SupplementoPoster 2223, Lingua: IngleseCastanho, Joana Palmeirim / Ramos, Rita Bastos / Martins, Inês Cardoso / Coelho, Ana / Marques, Paula FariaFemale patient, 7 years old, diagnosed with mild hypomineralization with caries in teeth 36 and 46 and severe hypomineralization with extensive carious lesions and post eruptive fracture in teeth 16 and 26. Extensive caries in the deciduous molars.
Due to the clinical signs and symptoms of pain, pulp involvement, need for immediate treatment of all lesions, sensitivity and difficulty in achieving appropriate anesthesia and lack of cooperation of the child, it was recommended to perform the treatment under general anesthesia.
The treatment of MIH presents several difficulties and depends on its severity. In some cases, the treatment of this condition may be performed under general anesthesia (GA), which will allow to carry out the entire treatment plan at once. This approach also presents some disadvantages such as the cost, the need to perform the treatments in a single session and limitations in the space maintenance management, since it does not allow the execution of the necessary apparatus. All these considerations should be taked into account when deciding the treatment plan.
MIH adversely affects the overall health of children. Clinically it is a huge challenge hence its early identification will allow the monitoring of the first permanent molars so that preventive measures can be instituted early to try to minimize its consequences. In specific cases the treatment of this pathology can be performed under GA, which allows the therapeutic procedures to be performed quicker and comfortably.
Parole chiave: Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization, enamel, dental caries, general anesthesia