SupplementoPoster 1218, Lingua: IngleseMaturo, PaoloAim: The aim of this retrospective study is to report, in a period of 12 months, the radiologic marginal bone level outcome of patients treated with single tooth iSy implants when used in healed alveolar ridge with conventional loading protocol, in comparison with an immediate loading protocol in post-extraction sites.
Materials and methods: 16 patients in need of a single-tooth replacement received iSy implants. In Group A 8 implants were placed in healed ridges, with transgingival healing using iSy healing cap and restored with delayed load and restoration, in Group B 8 implants were placed immediately into fresh extraction sockets without flap elevation and restored with immediate non functional loading by using a provisional crown bonded to the multifunctional cap and then snapped onto the implant base. The final restorations were made in all cases after 3 months from the surgery with a screw retained hybrid abutment crown (zirconia bonded to the titanium implant base). The Marginal bone level relative to the implant reference point was recorded at implant placement and after 12 months following surgery using intra-oral radiographs. Measurements were made on the mesial and distal sides of each implant.
Results: The mean change in marginal bone loss (MBL) after 1year of implant placement was 0.31±0.22 mm in extraction sockets and 0.29±0.20 in healed ridges. Within all the limitations of this study, responses of local bone to immediately loaded iSy implants placed in extraction sockets or in healed ridges with delayed load were similar after one year. Immediate restoration technique by using iSy titanium implant base as abutment and with snapped multifunctional cap (without cement) placed in post-extraction single implants seems not to have influence on marginal bone around iSy implants as compared to conventional delayed surgery and loading in a period of one year.
Parole chiave: Marginal bone loss, immediate load, conventional loading