SupplementoPoster 1177, Lingua: IngleseMonteiro, Ana / Rolo, Tony / Domingues, Elsa / Matos, SérgioClinical case description: A 27 years-old female patient with localized aggressive periodontitis presents a recurrent periodontal pocket after a previous regenerative procedure on the mesial surface of tooth 16, with a pocket depth of 7mm. A minimally invasive surgical approach (M-MIST) was used to regenerate the present deep infrabony periodontal defect, using a xenogenic/L-PRF bone block and L-PRF membranes.
Discussion: Regarding the revival of the use of platelet concentrates in periodontal regeneration, the combination of PRF with allografts or xenografts presents encouraging clinical results scientifically supported . The results of the presented clinical case are in agreement with the available scientific evidence, with a pocket depht reduction of 2 mm; a clinical attachment gain of 2mm and a good radiographic bone fill of the defect, without adverse effects.
Conclusion: Despite the limits of short-term healing of this clinical case, the combined use of L-PRF with a xenograft proved to be effective in the treatment of this infrabony periodontal defect, without significant morbidity for the patient. Although with promising outcomes, the existing scientific evidence emphasize the necessity of more studies with quality and scientific validity to prove the effectiveness of this technique.
Parole chiave: PRF, L-PRF, xenograft, platelet concentrates, infrabony defects, periodontal regeneration