SupplementoPoster 1171, Lingua: IngleseNunes da Silva, Vasco / Reis, Marcos / Fonseca, Luís / Freitas, PedroA clinical caseCase Description: A healthy, 36-year-old female patient appeared in the clinic unhappy with the aesthetics of her smile. After a correct anamnesis, clinical, photographic and radiographic evaluation, the diagnosis was made and the treatment plan was delineated:
Diagnosis: Infiltrated restorations on teeth 12, 11, 21, 22 and 36; Periapical lesions on the teeth 11, 21, 22 and 36; Gingival smile.
Treatment plan: Endodontic retreatment, internal bleaching and resin restorations composed of teeth 11, 21, 22 and 36; Ceramic overlay on tooth 36; Gingivectomy + Feldspatic facets on the teeth 12, 11, 21, 22.
Discussion: Although orthodontics and implant rehabilitation were also included in the initial treatment plan in order to balance the patient's occlusion, she decided not to perform at this stage for economic reasons. The risks of this option were explained and a stabilized splint was performed, in order to preserve the rehabilitation performed and the entire joint complex.
Feldspathic ceramics are the material of choice when we talk about rehabilitation in the anterior sector from aesthetic, optical and biomimetic points of view.
Conclusion: Although the ideal treatment plan was not done, it was possible to achieve the goals and restore the patient's self-esteem. It was made a stabilized splint, in order to preserve the rehabilitation performed and the entire joint complex. This treatment option does not limit in any way for later, if there is interest on the part of the patient, to perform orthodontics and implant rehabilitation, in order to complete the treatment plan stipulated initially.
Parole chiave: veneers, feldspathic, internal bleaching, gingivectomy, overlay