SupplementoPoster 1042, Lingua: IngleseKresa, Igor / Adamiec, Marcin / Wojtowicz, AndrzejIntroduction: Bone defects present after tooth extraction can often make implantation impossible, without prior guided bone regeneration. Usually horizontal and vertical bone augmentation is required. In this article maxillary alveolar process augmentation, with individual titanium mesh YxOss CBR (ReOss®) and GEM 21S® material, containing PDGF-BB growth factor and alloplastic material - β-TCP, as well as xenogenic and autogenic augmentation material, is described.
Material and methods: Maxillary alveolar process augmentation, with individual titanium mesh ReOss® and GEM 21S® material containing PDGF-BB growth factor and alloplastic material - β-TCP was performed.
Discusion: Guided bone regeneration is widely described in the literature. Although horizontal augmentation is usually a predictable procedure, vertical augmentation is prone to resorption of the augmentation material. It is caused by two limitations - firstly, inadequate bone volume, precluding graft coverage without exposition or excessive soft tissue tension. Moreover, revascularisation of the graft is also a problem, because it decreases with vertical dimension of the grafted material. The use of growth factors, autogenous bone and alloplastic material gives excellent clinical effects. It may help to increase the predictability of vertical augmentation procedures. Due to the use of growth factor PDGF-BB the process of angiogenesis is intensified, while individually designed titanium mesh allows for precise and three-dimensional reconstruction of bone conditions in the intended manner.
Parole chiave: augmentation materials, bone defects, guided bone regeneration, individual titanium mesh, beta-calcium triphosphate, rhPDGF