SupplementoPoster 851, Lingua: IngleseGonçalves Gomes, Ana Filipa / Araújo, Tiago / Gonçalves, Aline / Rompante, Paulo / Vale, TeresaA case reportA 13 years old male, had crossbite of 1.2/4.3 and 2.2/3.3 teeth. The treatment plan suggested to repositioning the 1.2 and 2.2 is using a a composite resin inclined plane. Due to the social impact, the patient chose one at a time. After 2 weeks the inclined plane was removed from 1.2 tooth and it was uncrossed.
During the follow-up period, the treated tooth was examined clinically and radiographically and the patient never complained of pain and / or discomfort.
The technique used was the placement of composite resin A3, 5, with an 45 ° inclination and 3-4 mm of posterior disocclusion, in order to occlude the buccal aspect of the mandibular tooth with wide enough to withstand occlusal forces mesiodistal.
The treatment of anterior crossbite through composite resin inclined plane is generally well accepted by the patient, unlike the removable appliance, where the lack of initial adaptation encourages not to use, and the use time and high activation make it less advantageous .
The inclined plane also has the advantages of esay technical and time reduced to clinical procedure, also reducing the patient's exposure to the monomer of polymethyl methyl present in removable appliances.
The method, as demonstrated in this case, is a safe, quick, easy, acceptable aesthetic alternative and involves no discomfort for the correction of anterior crossbite of one or two dental pieces.
Parole chiave: composite resin inclined plane, crossbite, anterior crossbite, anterior crossbite treatment, malocclusion, lateral incisor in crossbite