Poster 748, Lingua: IngleseStevanovic, Sabrina / Kind, Lucy / Wuethrich, Alain / Porta, Fabiola / Frommherz, Anna-Lisa / Deyle, H. / Müller, B. / Pieles, Uwe / Hug, Michael / Lysek, Dominikus A.The investigation of a non-invasive, biomimetic mineralisation method of sub-surface carious lesions/ early caries lesions in tooth enamel is the field of attention in this project. P11-4 is a short peptide, which self-assembles in a supramolecular 3D network after applying in the carious lesion. The hypothesis is that this self-assembled structure triggers nucleation of de-novo hydroxyapatite nanocrystals and consequently results in lesion-remineralisation. Because of the limited availability and difficult access to usable human teeth and their great structural variability and composition a bioceramic tooth model will help to standardize the test systems and support the comparability of results.
Parole chiave: Remineralisation, carious lesion, self-assembled peptide, artificial tooth model, hydroxyapatite