Poster 584, Lingua: InglesePitalia, Deepti / Shetty, Shashit / Nayak, Gurudutt / Hans, Manoj KumarBioesthetics is a conservative interdisciplinary approach to the restoration of dentition in its natural form and function. Principles of bioesthetics suggest that proper form by following proper graduation effect, smile line, midline, incisal edge position , principle of proportion and good crown morphology of restorations and teeth lead to good occlusion (Harmonized anterior guidance, proper overjet and overbite, stable centric relation contact) which is necessary for proper functioning and longevity of restoration . The proprioceptors in the periodontal ligaments, mucosa, lips, tongue, cheeks, muscles and TMJ send afferent stimuli to brain and brain in the presence of good occlusion send efferent stimuli to muscles of mastication for proper function. The purpose of this poster is to highlight the principles of bioesthetics.
Parole chiave: form, occlusion, function, graduation effect, bioesthetics