Pagine 121-137, Lingua: Inglese, TedescoKares, HorstIt is the aim of the present paper to introduce a systematic, practical approach for the state-of-the-art management of patients with orofacial pain in a private office setting. The use of the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders) has proven especially useful for the diagnosis in patients with craniomandibular dysfunctions (CMD). The RDC/TMD is an internationally renowned and validated procedure using checklists that includes other orofacial pain diagnoses to allow for a differential diagnosis. Through prioritizing the treatment options for CMD patients, evidence-based dentistry has become an integral part of practice routines. A correct assessment of the results from scientific studies combined with the practitioner's own clinical expertise allows a dentist to create a purposeful and efficient treatment strategy within his or her network of therapists and in cooperation with the patient.
Parole chiave: in-house protocol/treatment, orofacial pain, craniomandibular dysfunction, CMD, myoarthropathy, RDC/TMD, protocol/private office setting, evidence-based dentistry, checklist