Pagine 483-490, Lingua: IngleseMairObjective: The long-term clinical performance of three posterior resin composites and two amalgams was assessed. Method and materials: Thirty Class II restorations each of P-30, Occlusin, Clearfil Posterior (composites), New True Dent alloy, and Solila Nova (amalgams) were placed. Reviews took place at 6 months and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 years. At each visit the gingival condition, the contact point status, and the presence of ledges, gaps, or recurrent caries were assessed. The color match, cavosurface marginal stain, general surface stain, tarnish, and corrosion were also scored where applicable. Epoxy resin replicas were used to measure the maximum depth of wear. Results: After 10 years, there had been corrosion of both the high- and low-copper amalgams and a slight deterioration in color match of a number of composite restorations. Eighteen (of 20) Occlusin restorations had obvious cavosurface marginal stain, attirbuted to staining of the unfilled bonding resin layer. Statistical analysis indicated that New True Dentalloy, Solila Nova, and Clearfil-P exhibited significantly less wear than Occlusin and P-30. None of the restorations examined at the 10-year recall required replacement. Conclusion: The five materials, placed in a dental school environment, provided adequate clinical service for 10 years