Mature teratoma in newborns is a very rare but highly aesthetically impairing, functionally limiting and potentially life-threatening entity in the craniofacial region which can be classified into grades 0-3 according to Gonzalez-Crussi. Due to the rarity and complexity of the clinical picture, as well as balancing necessary radicality and potential mutilation, we present a multidisciplinary management concept. The case series comprises three patients in whom an extra- and intraoral neoplasia was detected during the neonatal period, necessitating intensive care and surgical reduction of the mass. Preoperatively, in addition to obtaining samples and histologically confirming the diagnosis, an MR examination was performed in all cases to plan the surgical procedure. In all three cases a mature teratoma, G0 according to Gonzalez-Crussi, was detected. Repeated discussions were held at the interdisciplinary tumour conference during treatment. The resections were carried out in accordance with the treatment protocols of the MAKEI V study centre. After resection, in all three cases an immediate improvement in function and aesthetic correction was achieved, enabling oral feeding and regular development of the child. No mutilating surgery was planned, and therefore a complete resection was not attempted. All patients are undergoing multidisciplinary, long time follow-up care according to the individual risk.
Parole chiave: tumour, teratoma, paediatric, maxillofacial