Purpose: developing customized titanium specimens, with innovative surfaces, is a suitable strategy to overcome implant failure. Additionally, a faster and efficient osteogenic commitment assists tissue regeneration. To investigate the interplay between inflammation and differentiation upon implantation, Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSCs) were cultured on 3D-printed titanium owning an internal open cell form, administering osteogenic factors by a liposomal formulation (LipoMix) compared to traditional delivery of differentiation medium (DM). Materials and Methods: osteogenic differentiation was evaluated by western blot, by measuring β1 integrin expression, and by and real-time RT-PCR, by measuring SP7 and Collagen I gene expression; while.angiogenesis was characterized by measuring VEGF secretion levels. Matrix mineralization was assessed by means of Alizarin Red Staining, cell adhesion and inflammation responses through western blot, enzymatic and ELISA assays evaluating Nrf2 expression, catalase activity and Prostaglandin E2 secretion, respectively. Results: LipoMix enhances cell proliferation and adhesion, as revealed by increased integrin β1 expression. Mineralized matrix deposition, SP7 gene expression, Collagen I release and Alkaline Phosphatase activity appear increased in LipoMix condition. Additionally, the redox-sensitive transcription factor Nrf2 is overexpressed at the earliest experimental times, triggering the catalase activity. Conclusions: data reported confirm that internal topography and post-production treatments on titanium surfaces dynamically and positively condition the DPSC progress towards the osteogenic phenotype, moreover, the combination with LipoMix fastens the positive modulation of inflammation under osteogenic conditions. Therefore, the development of customized surfaces along with the administration of differentiating factors enclosed in a liposomal delivery system, could represent a promising and innovative tool in regenerative dentistry.
Parole chiave: osteogenic differentiation, NF-E2-Related Factor 2, liposomal formulation, stem cells, regenerative dentistry