Objectives: This study compared the effects of leukocyte platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) and advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) on patients’ quality of life and the healing of palatal wounds after free gingival graft harvesting.
Method and materials: After free gingival graft harvesting, palatal donor sites of 36 patients were assigned to one of three groups: L-PRF group, A-PRF group, or palatal stent + periodontal pack group (control group). Wound healing was evaluated by H2O2 test. Pain was evaluated by visual analog scale and number of analgesics consumed. For patient quality of life, the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) questionnaire was utilized.
Results: Complete epithelialization was higher in the control group on day 7 than in the test groups (P < .05). Complete epithelialization was achieved in all groups 14 days postoperatively. Visual analog scale scores for pain and the number of analgesic tablets consumed were similar in all groups (P > .05). OHIP-14 total scores were similar in all study groups at 7 days postoperatively (P > .05). OHIP-14 total and physical pain score was lower in the L-PRF group than the A-PRF group at 14 days postoperatively (P < .05).
Conclusion: Aside from the slight superiority of L-PRF over A-PRF, it can be concluded that both PRF procedures have similar effects on palatal wound healing and quality of life.
Parole chiave: free gingival graft, platelet-rich fibrin, quality of life, wound healing