Purpose: To evaluate the cumulative survival rate (CSR) of implants placed by Chinese dentists who lacked structured training and to identify the dentist-related risk factors associated with implant failure.
Materials and Methods: Data from 2,036 patients who underwent implant-supported restoration at a university-affiliated stomatology hospital were collected. CSR was regarded as the dependent variable. Patient-related characteristics (age, sex, insertion site, and surgical complexity) and dentist-related factors (experience, number of implant brands used, education level, sex, and specialty) were collected as independent variables. The chi-square test was used to identify dentist-related factors for implant failure after addressing patient-related potential confounders using propensity score matching (PSM). Dentist- and patient-related risk factors were further analyzed using multivariable logistic regression within the subgroups.
Results: The CSRs were 98.48% for patients (with single or multiple implants) and 98.86% for implants after 48 to 60 months of observation. Dentists with < 5 years of experience and specialists in implant dentistry were significantly associated with implant failure after addressing potential patient-related confounders. Within the group of dentists with < 5 years of experience, complicated cases were the major risk factor. For the group of specialists in implant dentistry, < 5 years of experience and male patient were the major risk factors.
Conclusion: New dentists (< 5 years of experience) and specialists in implant dentistry are considered to be dentist-related risk factors for implant failure. This confirms that a learning curve exists for new specialists to reach the level of proficiency and expertise.
Parole chiave: cumulative survival rate, dentist-related risk factors, structured training