Objective: Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a benign odontogenic tumor with an excellent prognosis, often seen in children and young adults. The aim was to examine the spectrum of clinical, radiographic, and histologic attributes of AOT and assess clinician recognition of this entity. In addition, diagnostic considerations and treatment modalities were explored.
Method and materials: With Institutional Review Board approval, archival cases of AOT from the University of Florida Oral Pathology Biopsy Service (1994–2019) were examined. Clinical and demographic data along with accompanying radiographs and original slides were reviewed.
Results: A total of 28 cases of AOT were identified. These were all solitary in nature, with a mean age of 20.6 years (range 12–67 years). Most patients were under 20 (75.0%) with a definite female predilection (64.3%). Anterior jaws remained the most common location (85.2%), with a higher maxillary predilection (57.1%). Clinical impression included odontogenic lesions such as dentigerous cyst, lateral periodontal cyst, and odontogenic keratocyst.
Conclusion: The spectrum of features of AOT is described. As clinicians were unfamiliar with AOT, highly characteristic features of AOT and more unique variants are discussed extensively to improve diagnostic aptitude. Clinicians must remain aware of this entity, as treatment is minimal compared to other odontogenic entities.
Parole chiave: histology, neoplasms, odontogenic, odontogenic cyst, odontogenic tumor, radiology