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882 Authors/Speakers


Dr Jun Iwata PhD

Japan, Takasago-city, Hyogo

Dr. Silke Jacker-Guhr

Germany, Hannover

Prof. Marko Jakovac PhD, DMD

Croatia, Zagreb

Marko Jakovac was born on 4 October 1974 in Zagreb, where he attended primary and secondary school. He graduated in 1993 and, in that same year, entered the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Zagreb. The Ministry of Science and Technology awarded him a scholarship in 1997 due to the high grade point average he achieved during his studies. In 1998, he graduated from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb and began his internship. In 1999, he passed the state exam. In that same year, he enrolled in postgraduate studies in the field of dentistry. He was admitted to the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb as a junior research assistant in 2001. In 2002, he became an assistant and began his specialisation at the Department of Prosthodontics. He completed his master’s degree in 2003 under the mentorship of Prof Jasenka Živko-Babić, DMD, PhD. In 2005, he passed the specialist exam. He completed his doctoral dissertation in 2008. Since 2009, he has been an assistant professor at the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and head of the course for professional development of doctors of dental medicine called “Advanced tooth preparation in fixed prosthodontics”. Since 2010, he has been the head of the postgraduate course “Aesthetics of fixed prosthodontic restorations on teeth and implants”. Since 2012, he has been running the undergraduate course “Preclinical and laboratory fixed prosthodontics”. He won the dean’s award for best teacher in 2013 and introduced a new undergraduate course entitled “Use of microscopes in dental medicine”. Since 2015, he has been an associate professor at the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb, and since 2018, Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies. He became head of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics in 2021 and head of the course “Fixed Prosthodontics 2”. Since 2023, he has been working as a full-time professor at the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics. He is the author of the textbook “Preclinical and Laboratory Fixed Prosthodontics” and has written numerous chapters in other textbooks at the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb. As an author and co-author, he has written several scientific and professional papers. He has been a mentor for more than 30 graduate theses and 5 master’s degrees. He has participated in numerous projects and grants in the Republic of Croatia. He is a lecturer and organiser at a large number of international and domestic congresses and courses for the permanent training of doctors of dental medicine. He cooperates and teaches as a key opinion leader with companies such as Ivoclar, Carl Zeiss and Dentsply Sirona. He is a founder and vice-president of the Croatian Society of Minimal Intervention in Dental Medicine, founder of the European Academy of Digital Dentistry and Digital Dentistry, board member of the Croatian Prosthodontic Society and a member of the Society for Dental Implantology, the Croatian Medical Association and the Croatian Chamber of Dental Medicine. Lastly, he is the owner of Aesthetica polyclinic and Ae Vision educational centre.

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Prof. Dr. Holger A. Jakstat

Germany, Leipzig
1978-1983: Study of Dentistry in Hamburg. 1984: Promotion. 1985-1999: assistent professor at the Department of prosthetic Dentistry and Dental Materials, University Hamburg (Dir.: Prof. Jüde). 1996: Habilitation. Since 1999: elected professor at the Universitätszahnmedizin Leipzig (Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik und Werkstoffkunde).
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Dr. Jim Janakievski DDS, MSD

United States of America, Tacoma

Jim Janakievski received his D.D.S. from the University of Toronto, which was followed by a general practice residency.  After several years in general practice, he completed his post-graduate training at the University of Washington, where he received a certificate in Periodontology with a M.S.D. degree and a fellowship in Prosthodontics. He began his academic position at the University of Washington as assistant director of Graduate Periodontics and is currently an affiliate assistant professor. Dr. Janakievski is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He is a reviewer for several dental journals and has published in the area of interdisciplinary dentistry, dental implants, and tooth autotransplantation.  Dr. Janakievski teaches at Spear Education in Scottsdale Arizona.  In addition, he participates in practice-based clinical research through the McGuire Institute.  He maintains a private practice in Tacoma, Washington.

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Dr. Holger Janssen

Germany, Berlin

Dr. Holger Janssen absolvierte sein Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Universität Regensburg (1993-1998). Seine Dissertation erfolgte an selbiger Universität im Gebiet der Oralen Implantologie (1999).

Anschließend folgten die Assistenzzeit in Radolfzell (1999-2002) und zahnärztliche Tätigkeit in Praxen in Radolfzell und Singen am Bodensee (2002-2005).

Von 2005 bis 2006 privatzahnärztliche Tätigkeit in den Bereichen Parodontologie und Implantologie in Berlin.

Von 2006 bis 2007 absolvierte Dr. Janssen fast zwei Weiterbildungsjahre zur Weichgewebechirurgie und Implantologie am Institut Dr. Huemer in Wolfurt/Österreich.

In den Jahren 2008 bis 2010 war er als Praxispartner von Dr. Detlef Hildebrand im Dentalforum Berlin tätig und gründete im Jahr 2010 seine eigene zahnärztliche Praxis für Parodontologie, Implantologie und Funktionstherapie.

Im Jahr 2015 erfolgte der Umzug in eigene Räumlichkeiten im Haus Hardenberg, Berlin Charlottenburg.

Dr. Janssen ist aktives Mitglied in den Gesellschaften DGZMK, DG PARO, DGI, GAK Gnathologischer Arbeitskreis und Mitglied der Neuen Gruppe

Seit 2006 ist er national wie international als Referent in den Bereichen Parodontologie und Implantologie gefragt und Autor zahlreicher Publikationen.

Er wurde 2013 zum Fellow des International College of Dentists ICD berufen.

Im Jahr 2020 wurde seine Praxis zur akademischen Lehr- und Forschungspraxis der Klinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie (Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Sader) der KGU Frankfurt am Main ernannt.

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Andrew Clark Jenzer DDS

United States of America, Augusta

Andrew C. Jenzer, DDS, completed his oral and maxillofacial surgery training in the United States military. He completed a fellowship in craniomaxillofacial trauma surgery and reconstruction at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. He has spent his career in academic medicine and currently serves as the Program Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency at Fort Liberty, North Carolina.

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Prof. Y. Natalie Jeong DMD MA

United States of America, Boston
  • Master of Arts in Dental Education, University of the Pacific, United States, 2015
  • Pathway Program Dental Educator Certificate, University of the Pacific, United States, 2013
  • Advanced Graduate Studies in Periodontology Certificate, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, United States, 2000
  • Doctor of Dental Medicine, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, United States, 1997
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Northeastern University, Boston, United States, 1993
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, Northeastern Univeristy, Boston, United States, 1992
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Dr. Guillaume Jouanny

France, Paris

Doctor in dental surgery
Certificate in endodontics, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Clinical instructor, University of Paris Descartes, France

Dr. Guillaume Jouanny received his DDS degree at the University of Paris. He earned his Certificate in Endodontics from the University of Pennsylvania in 2015, where he received comprehensive training in Microsurgical Endodontics. He returned to France where he teaches at the University level. In addition to his private practice in Paris, he lectures on Surgical Endodontics, among other Endodontic topics, worldwide.

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Prof. Dr. med. dent. Ronald Jung PhD

Switzerland, Zürich

Ronald Jung is trained in oral surgery, prosthodontics and implant therapy. He is currently Head Division of Implantology at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zürich. In 2006 he worked as Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Heath Science Center at San Antonio, USA (Chairman: Prof. Dr. D. Cochran). 2008 he finalized his "Habilitation" (venia legendi) in dental medicine and was appointed at the University of Zürich. In 2011 he became his PhD doctorate degree of the University of Amsterdam, ACTA dental school, The Netherlands. In 2013 he worked as Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences at Harvard School of Dental Medicine in Boston, USA. In 2015 he has been promoted to full Professorship for Implantology at the University of Zurich. He is an accomplished and internationally renowned lecturer and researcher, best known for his work in the field of hard and soft tissue management and his research on new technologies in implant dentistry. He is currently Treasurer of the EAO, Past President of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry, member of the Board of Directors of the Osteology Foundation and active Member of the EAED.

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Dr. Alexander Jürchott

Germany, Heidelberg

Dr. Christoph Kaaden

Germany, München

1999 Graduation from the Dental School of Regensburg University
9/1999-10/2000: Visiting fellow at the University of Texas-Houston in the Biomaterials Research Center (Director: John M. Powers, Ph.D.),UT-Houston Dental Branch, Houston/USA
10/2000-12/2005: Ass. Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Periodontology and Pediatric Dentistry (Chairman: Prof. Dr. R. Hickel), Dental School of the LM-University, Munich, Germany
2003-2005: International endodontic program at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia/USA (Chairman: Dr. S. Kim, Ph.D.)
01/2006-02/2012: Associate Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Periodontology and Pediatric Dentistry (Chairman: Prof. Dr. R. Hickel), Dental School of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
06/2006: Certified Specialist in Endodontology (DGZ)
Since 01/2012: Private practice limited to endodontics in Munich/Germany
06/2012: Fellow of the International College of Dentists (FICD)

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Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kahl-Nieke

Germany, Hamburg
1985: Study of Dental Medicine at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen. 1986: Doctorate (Dr. med. dent.), Thesis "Update of the dentition table of I. Schour and M. Massler from 1941 with special consideration of premolars and wisdom teeth" Specialization in orthodontics (Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie) at the Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Cologne. 1992: Research fellow and guest-lecturer at the Dept. of Orthodontics (Chair: Prof. Ravindra Nanda), School of Dental Medicine, University of Connecticut, USA. 1994: Until 1994: Associate Professor at the Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Cologne Habilitation (Ph. D. degree) and qualification as university lecturer for dentistry with special regard to orthodontics Thesis "Long-term clinical e valuation of orthodontic treatment". Since 1998: Chair and Head of the Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Hamburg Member of the committee for postgraduate orthodontic education of local and national dental associations Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics. Since 2002: Head of the Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Member of the Editorial Board of the World Journal of Orthodontics. 2002: President of the Annual Meeting of the German Orthodontic Society in Hamburg. Since 2003: Vice-Chair of the German Board of Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthope-dics. 2005-2009: President of the German Orthodontic Society. 2005-2011: Ombudsperson at the University of Hamburg. 2007: Research Award "Arnold-Biber-Preis" donated by DENTAURUM for the project "Age-dependent three-dimensional microcomputed tomography analysis of the human midpalatal suture" by Korbmacher H and Kahl-Nieke B. 2007-2009: Dean of Education, Medical Faculty, University of Hamburg. Since 2008: Member of the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programs. Since 2008-2014: Vice-President of the European Federation of Orthodontics (FEO). 2009: "Teacher of the Year". 2010-2015: Member of the WFO Council. 13. 2017-16.: President of the DGZMK.
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Dr. Sérgio Kahn

Brazil, Florianópolis

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Peer W. Kämmerer MA, FEBOMFS

Germany, Mainz

Prof. Dr. Dr. Peer Kämmerer is an oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgeon working at the University of Mainz, Germany as Medical Director of the Department of Oral-, Maxillofacial- and Facial Plastic Surgery. He is certified specialist for oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgery (medical degree), for oral surgery (dental degree), for special pain therapy in the head and neck area (medical), specialist for dental implantology (dental) and specialist for plastic surgery (medical). So far, he has written more than 300 peer-revied scientific articles and reviews covering the topics facial reconstruction, oral cancer, dental implantology including bone augmentation as well as local anesthesia. He is author of several German textbooks covering dental implantology and dental local anesthesia.


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Dr. Joseph Kan

United States of America, Loma Linda

Dr. Joseph Kan completed his specialty training in Prosthodontics as well as the Master degree from the Implant Surgery from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry (LLUSD) in 1997. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and the research coordinator for the Implant Dentistry Program in LLUSD. He also maintains a private practice limited to Prosthodontics and Implant Surgery. In 1997, Dr. Kan was the recipient of the Best Research Award in the 12th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration. He also received the Judson C. Hinckey Scientific Award from the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry in 2003 and the Robert James Achievement Award in 2005. Dr. Kan is on the Periodontology/Implantology Editorial Board of the Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry. He is a member of the American Dental Association, Academy of Osseointegration, American College of Prosthodontists, American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics and an associate member of the Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontists. Dr. Kan is one of few clinicians worldwide that had been trained in both the surgical and restorative discipline of implant dentistry. Besides lecturing both nationally and internationally, he has published over 40 articles in reference journals and chapters in textbooks.

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