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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom

1681 Authors/Speakers


Eva-Marie Müller

Eva-Marie Müller, Jahrgang 1983, ist praktizierende Zahnärztin. Von 2003 bis 2009 studierte sie Zahnheilkunde an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Anschließend arbeitete sie in Kassel und Münster als Assistenzzahnärztin in Zahnarztpraxen mit dem Behandlungsschwerpunkt Kinderzahnheilkunde. Von Anfang an ist ihr eine fundierte, konzeptionelle Zahnmedizin eine absolute Herzensangelegenheit, die nur mit Prophylaxe erfolgreich sein kann. Seit April 2012 ist Eva-Marie Müller als Zahnärztin in der Praxis Dres. Scheile in München tätig. Sie ist zertifiziertes Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endodontie, Mitglied der DGZMK und aktives Mitglied der DGÄZ sowie der DGCZ. Im Zuge ihrer Tätigkeit als wissenschaftliche Referentin bei der Swiss Dental Academy trägt sie maßgeblich zu den fachlichen und wissenschaftlichen Lehrinhalten der weltweit einzigartigen Schulungs- und Trainingsakademie zur Professionellen Prophylaxe bei.

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Vincenzo Musella DMD, MDT

Italy, Montale Rangone

Dr Musella has been working as a prosthodontist/dental technologist for an extensive period of time and is particulary dedicated to the fabrication of hghly esthetic dental prostheses. Obtaining a bachelo's degree in dentistry did not put an end to Dr Musella's passion for prosthodontics, which he continues to practice, using the newest and most relevant technologies. Due to his rich and complete path of studies, Dr Musella is able to achieve a unique, added-value dental technique, which he routinely practices in his daily profession. This text is the by-product and synthesis of the combination of the two beautiful professions that are dentistry and prosthodontics.

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Moritz Mutschler B.Sc.

Germany, Tübingen

Dr. Nazariy Mykhaylyuk

Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk

Nazariy Mykhaylyuk is a specialist in a field of microscopic dentistry (mostly indirect restorative dentistry). Works in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine in family clinic in a team with his father and dental technician Bohdan Mykhaylyuk (Oral Design Ukraine). 2008 he qualified as a dentist in Ivano-Frankivsk Medical University. 2010 Created Mykhaylyuk Study Center and started organising courses for dentists on topic "Tooth preparation with microscope for full crowns". Organised about 80 courses in Mykhaylyuk Study center for about 700 dentists. Was lecturing about 70 times in Ukraine and worldwide. Started organising new courses on topics – "Photo and video documentation in dentistry. Microscopic approach", "Total rehabilitation from A to Z", "Indirect restoration – from macro to micro. MicroVision approach"; Developed his personal kit for teeth preparation for full crowns (Komet); 2013 developed hand instrument for finishing preparations (enamel chisels – Deppeler); developed MicroVision preparation kit for veneers and onlays (Komet).; posted in Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry AACD Winter Edition. Became a DentalXP expert. Doing more and more international hands-on courses and lectures about microscopic dentistry worldwide. Co-founder of MicroVision group. 2018 He opened a clinic in Kyiv.

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Prof. Dr. Ravindra Nanda BDS, MDS, PhD

United States of America, Farmington

Dr. Ravindra Nanda is Professor Emeritus, Former UConn Alumni Endowed Chair and Head of the Department of Craniofacial Sciences and Division of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut, Farmington, Connecticut, U.S.A. He is also an Adjunct Professor at The Forsyth Institute, Cambridge, Ma, USA.

He received his dental and orthodontic training first at Lucknow, India and then from Nymegen, The Netherlands and the University of Connecticut. He also received a Ph.D. from the University of Nymegen. Since 1972 he has been associated with the University of Connecticut in various academic roles including Chair of Orthodontics from 1991 to 2017.

Dr. Nanda has been active in orthodontic research in the area of biomechanics, clinical trials and acceleration of orthodontic treatment. He has authored with his colleagues more than 250 scientific papers. He is Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Orthodontics and he is on the editorial board of ten different national and international orthodontic journals. He is also an associate editor of Journal of Clinical Orthodontics.

In 2022 he was awarded Fellow of World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO). He has given numerous named lectures at national and international societies including Mershon and Angle Heritage Lectures at the American Association of Orthodontics and Sheldon Friel Lecture at  the 2011 EOS Congress. He has been recognized with Honorary memberships and has received various awards from numerous international orthodontic organizations.

Dr. Nanda has authored and co-authored eight text books Retention and Stability (with Dr. Burstone), Biomechanics in Clinical Orthodontics , Biomechanic and Esthetic Strategies In Clinical Orthodontics, Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics (with Dr. Uribe), Current Therapy in Orthodontics(with Dr. Kapila),  Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics, and recently “ Orthodontics, two volumes “ (with Prof. Farronato), and  Atlas of Complex Orthodontics (with Dr. Uribe). He has two new books coming out in 2019, Temporary Anchorage Devices (with Drs. Uribe and Yadav) and Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Orthodontic Treatment (with Castroflorio, Garino and Ojima).

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Amar Naru

Amar Naru is a practitioner in private practice and involved in postgraduate occlusion teaching. His PhD Digital image analysis of the human bite mark has contributed significantly to forensic dentistry. In this book, his skills in digital illustration and computer animation combine to aid the understanding of otherwise difficult concepts within dentistry.

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Dr. José M. Navarro DDS MS

Spain, Santa Brigida - Las Palmas de G.C.

Dr. José Manuel Navarro received a Certificate in Periodontology and Implant dentistry after completing a 3-year program at New York University College of Dentistry (Chairman Dennis Tarnow). He was also awarded a Master of Science degree in Biomaterials from NYUCD for his research on high strength ceramics (Chairman Van Thompson). Dr. Navarro has received awards for his research from different societies, including the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) best presentation award in 2007 and the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) Research Award in 2011. He has co- authored several peer- reviewed publications and book chapters and is Co-Editor of the book “High Strength Ceramics”. Dr. Navarro is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (EJED) the International Journal of Oral Implantology (IJOI) and is editor in Chief of Quintessence International in Spanish. He is past chairman of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) Junior Committee and is visiting faculty at different universities. He currently maintains a private practice focused on periodontics, prosthodontics and implant dentistry in Spain and London.

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