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1681 Authors/Speakers


Roger Rankel

Germany, Feldafing

Bestsellerautor Roger Rankel gilt als der Experte für Kundengewinnung. Mehrfach ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit dem "Großen Preis des Mittelstands" und dem "Internationalen Deutschen Trainingspreis", gehört er sowohl für DAX-Unternehmen als auch für erfolgsorientierte Mitelständler und ambitionierte Praxisinhaber zur ersten Wahl, wenn es um Kundengewinnung und nachhaltige Umsatzsteigerung geht. Für den Marketingpapst Prof. Dr. Michael Zacharias ist er der "Begründer des modernen Verkaufens".

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Prof. Dr. Giulio Rasperini DDS

Italy, Piacenza

Giulio Rasperini, DDS, is an associate professor of dentistry and periodontology in the Department of Biomedical, Surgical, and Dental Sciences at the University of Milan in Italy and an adjunct clinical associate professor in the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine in the School of Dentistry at the University of Michigan. He serves on the editorial board for The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, has published and lectured extensively on periodontology and implantology, and is the recipient of several research awards. In 2017, Dr Rasperini founded the iPerio Education Center in Piacenza, Italy, with Dr Giorgio Pagni and Dr Raffaele Acunzo.

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MDT Edris Rasta


Prof. Dr. Petra Ratka-Krüger

Germany, Freiburg im Breisgau

Dr. Pamela S. Ray DDS

United States of America, San Antonio

Dr. Pamela S. Ray is a Board Certified Periodontal surgeon practicing in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Ray graduated from the University of Texas Heath Science Center Dental School in 1989, and completed her certificate in Periodontics in 1991. Immediately following graduation, she was the first woman dentist to establish practice in San Antonio. Dr. Ray has a comprehensive outlook on Periodontics providing both disease and cosmetic periodontal treatment. She has interests in Bone Grafting, Soft Tissue Augmentation, and Dental Implantology. Dr. Ray lectures locally and nationally, on surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy, as well as practice management.

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Prof. Dr. Dino Re

Italy, Milano

PD Dr. Dan-Krister Rechenberg

Switzerland, Zürich

Dr. Rechenberg is a senior lecturer at the Division of Endodontology, Clinic for Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Cariology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He graduated in Germany from the University of Göttingen, School of Dental Medicine. After finishing dental school he worked at the University of Göttingen, and then the University of Zurich, where he received his doctoral degree in dentistry (Dr. med. dent.). In 2012 Dan completed the postgraduate endodontic program at the Univeristy of Zurich, became a certified member of the Swiss Society of Endodontology (SSE), and the European Society of Endodontology (ESE). In 2017 he received the venia legendi (private docent title) from the University of Zurich. Dan is on the editorial board of the International Endodontic Journal and acts as a reviewer for other dental journals. Currently he works part-time at the University of Zurich as Co-Head of the postgraduate endodontic program and in research, where his main research focus is on diagnostics for pulpal and periapical disease. In addition, he maintains a private practice limited to endodontics/apical microsurgery in Zurich. Dan has served as an active member of the ESE Membership Committee since 2017 and has participated in the ESE accreditation process for postgraduate speciality training programmes.

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Prof. Dr. Sven Reich

Germany, Aachen

May 1989-Aug. 1994: Study of Dentistry. Oct. 1994-Nov. 2005: Dental Prosthetics at the University of Erlangen. 2005: Habilitation. Dec. 2005-Sep. 2009: Dental Prosthetics at the University of Leipzig. Since Oct. 2009: Dental Prosthetics at the University Clinic Aachen (Director Prof. Dr. S. Wolfart). Since July 2012: W2 Professorship for the Teaching and Research Area of Computer-Aided Dentistry at the Clinic for Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterials.

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Oliver Reichert di Lorenzen

Oliver Reichert di Lorenzen ist einer der gefragtesten Dental Designer Europas. Der Unternehmer und Visionär positionierte sein Labor erfolgreich auf internationalem Spitzenniveau. Dank seiner hohen ästhetischen Ansprüche ist er begehrter Ansprechpartner in Fragen dentaler Schönheit. Fachzeitschriften bescheinigen ihm "zahntechnische Höchstleistungen" (dental dialogue), "Dienstleistung pur" (das dentallabor) und das Setzen "neuer Maßstäbe" (ZahnTechnik), die VOGUE widmete ihm 2007 ein mehrseitiges Special.

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Daniel Reinke

Germany, Lütjenburg

Dr. Franck Renouard

France, Paris

Franck Renouard is graduated of the Dental University of Paris V in 1982. He was assistant of Jean-François Tulasne in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Team of Paul Tessier from 1983 to 1988 in Paris. He has published several articles and book chapters. He is author of 3 Text Books with Bo Rangert. The first one " Risk Factors in Implant Dentistry: Simplified Clinical Analysis for predictable Treatment" was published in 10 languages. His new book, co-written with a professional pilot, is about Human Factors and medical errors. He lectures intensively on Simplification on Implants Dentistry (including short implants), Complications, Biomechanics and Bone Grafting procedure. Dr. Renouard was elected to the European Association for Osseointegration executive board in Amsterdam in 2000, and is Past President-for the organization (2006-2008). He is in Private Practice in Paris limited of Oral and Implant Surgery. He is visiting Professor at the Medicine Faculty of Lieges, Belgium.

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