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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Didier Dietschi

Incremental layering composite restoration in the anterior maxilla

22 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Zahnerhaltung, Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2005
Video-Quelle: APW DVD Journal
Reihe: APW DVD Journal

Morphological abnormalities such as peg-shaped laterals are quite frequent dental problems which must be addressed by restorative means. An ideal aesthetic correction can be achieved with minimal or no-loss of tissue, what is known as "Minimally Invasive Dentistry", a concept becoming popular also in Aesthetic Dentistry.
This video demonstrates the reconstruction of two lateral incisors with direct composite application, following the "Natural Layering Concept", which implies the use of separate dentin and enamel increments, mimicking the natural tooth anatomy. Step by step procedures will be detailed, which include shade selection, placement of the rubber dam, adhesive procedures, dentin and enamel build-up and fi nishing-polishing procedures, which fi nalize the restorative work. By following a precise and meticulous operative protocol, perfectly natural looking restorations can be produced, in a predictable way.

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Veneer Replacement on a Bridge with a Metal Substructure

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Reihen: APW DVD Journal
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Roland Frankenberger

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Reihen: APW DVD Journal
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Repair of a Margin Defect on a Gold Inlay

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Reihen: APW DVD Journal
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Weichgewebsmanagement bei Sofortimplantation Regio 21

Ueli Grunder

Länge: 39 Minuten
Produktionsjahr: 2007
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
Reihen: APW DVD Journal
Kategorie: Implantologie
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Soft Tissue Management in Immediate Implantation in Region 21

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Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch
Reihen: APW DVD Journal
Kategorie: Implantologie
verfügbar seit: 9. Mai 2008

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