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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Galip Gürel

Anterior Aesthetic Arrangement with Porcelain Laminate Veneers

25 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Zahnerhaltung, Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2005
Video-Quelle: APW DVD Journal
Reihe: APW DVD Journal


  • Treatment planning (mock-up, wax-up, silicone index)
  • APR (aesthetic pre-recontouring), APT (aesthetic pre-evaluative temporaries)
  • Tooth Preperation through APT
  • Presentation of prosthetic components
  • Impression Making, Provisionals
  • Cementation of Veneers

Creating the precision in terms of the preperation, fit and the aesthetic final outcome needs a serious treatment planning which is different for each case. Designing a new smile consists of many steps which are so important and if followed right produce predictable success. The key to aesthetic excellence requires patient communication as well as the communication with the laboratory from the beginning of the case till the end. In order to achieve a very precise and predictable tooth preparation, wax-up, silicone indexes and related techniques such as APR (Aesthetic Pre Recontouring), APT (Aesthetic Pre-Evaluative Temporaries) and preperation through the APTs are extremely crucial. This eliminates all possible mistakes and destruction of the depth cutters that could have been done if the tooth was to be prepared without realizing the aging affects of the enamel (volumetric enamel loss) or their unappropriate teeth positions on the dental arch.

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