Rubrik(en): Nahttechniken, Chirurgie
Sprache(n): Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 2013
Video-Quelle: Suturing Techniques
Reihe: Suturing Techniques
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This video collection features 3D animations of 20 current suturing techniques used in periodontology and oral surgery.
For each technique, you will also find brief information about
These videos are designed for dental students and dental surgeons wishing to refresh their suturing techniques.
The following 20 suturing techniques are included:
1. Surgical Knot
2. Surgical Knot (for Synthetic Suture)
3. Single Suture
4. Single Interrupted Suture
5. Vertical Internal Mattress Suture
6. Vertical External Mattress Suture
7. Horizontal Internal Mattress Suture
8. Horizontal External Mattress Suture
9. Horizontal Internal Mattress + Single Interrupted Suture
10. Double Horizontal Internal Mattress
11. Continuous Mattress Suture
12. Criss-Cross Suture
13. Continuous Suture
14. Continuous Lock Suture
15. Sling Suture
16. Continuous Sling Suture
17. Continuous Sling Mattress Suture
18. Sling Suture Technique for Multiple Recessions
19. Laurell-Gottlow Suture
20. Double Loop Suture
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