Voraussichtliches Erscheinen: August 2025
1. Auflage 2025
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 500 Seiten, 1070 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Endodontie
ISBN 978-1-78698-150-9
QP Deutschland
Produkt in Vorbereitung.
This comprehensive guide, edited by Dr Oliver Pontius and co-authored by leading experts in the field, has been designed for dental practitioners and postgraduate students. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of endodontic knowledge and techniques, offering a valuable resource for professionals in the field. From understanding biologic processes and diagnosing pulpal pathologies to mastering advanced procedures such as rotary instrumentation, cone beam computed tomography, and microsurgical endodontics, every chapter is enhanced with clear visuals, clinical protocols, and cutting-edge research. This textbook provides the tools you need for predictable and successful outcomes in modern endodontics. It offers guidance on a wide range of procedures, including the treatment of vital pulps, management of complex retreatments, and restoration of endodontically treated teeth
Part A. The Science of Endodontics
Chapter 01. Keeping the Pulp Alive with Pulp Capping And Pulp Chamber Pulpotomy
Chapter 02. Microbiology of Endodontic Infections
Chapter 03. Understanding and Managing Apical Periodontitis
Chapter 04. Cell-based and Cell-free Regenerative Endodontics
Part B. Diagnosis
Chapter 05. Endodontic Diagnosis
Chapter 06. Radiology of Apical Periodontitis, Differential Diagnosis of Nonodontogenic Cystic Lesions
Chapter 07. Differential Diagnosis of Orofacial Pain
Part C. Advances in Materials and Technology
Chapter 08. NiTi Instruments in Endodontics
Chapter 09. Calcium Silicate-based Hydraulic Cements in Endodontics
Part D. The Practice of Endodontics
Chapter 10. The Aseptic Working Field
Chapter 11. Endodontic Emergencies
Chapter 12. Cleaning and Shaping Root Canal Systems
Chapter 13. Irrigation and Disinfection of the Root Canal System
Chapter 14. Lasers for Root Canal Cleaning and Disinfection
Chapter 15. Philosophy of Filling Roots
Chapter 16. Carrier-based Obturation
Chapter 17. Endodontic Retreatment
(a) Decision making in Endodontic Retreatment
(b) Endodontic Retreatment Procedures
(c) Predictable and Minimally Invasive Instrument Removal
Chapter 18. Microsurgical Endodontics
Chapter 19. Intentional Replantation
Chapter 20. Predictable Autotransplantation
Chapter 21. Traumatic Dental Injuries of Permanent Teeth
Chapter 22. Resorption of Permanent Teeth
Part E. Prognosis
Chapter 23. Factors Impacting the Outcomes of Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatments
Part F. Interdisciplinary Endodontics
Chapter 24. Maxillary Sinus Implications in Endodontics
Chapter 25. Endodontic–Periodontal Interaction
Chapter 26. The Endo–Restorative Interface
Chapter 27. Endodontics or Implants – Decisive Criteria and Guidelines for Single Tooth Restorations and Full-arch Reconstructions
Chapter 28. Endodontic Medicine
Dr. Oliver Pontius führt eine auf Endodontie spezialisierte Praxis in Bad Homburg, Deutschland. Er ist als Lehrbeauftragter am Postgraduierten-Endodontieprogramm der Universität Diderot, Paris VII, Frankreich, tätig. Dr. Pontius erwarb seinen Doktortitel in Zahnmedizin an der Universität Heidelberg, ein Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Endodontie und einen Master of Science in Endodontie an der Boston University. Er ist Mitglied des American Board of Endodontics, der American Association of Endodontists, der European Society of Endodontology und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endodontie. Zudem ist er aktives Mitglied der European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Pontius hält weltweit Vorträge.