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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Leonard B. Kaban (Hrsg.)

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Children

1st Edition 2023
Buch, E-Book
e-Pub, 463 Seiten, 2100 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Kinderzahnheilkunde, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Oralchirurgie

ISBN 978-0-86715-965-3

Dieser Titel ist auch als E-Book erhältlich. Bitte nutzen Sie zum Erwerb den Store auf Ihrem Endgerät, z.B. den Apple iBook-Store, den Google Play-Store oder den Kindle-Store.

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Surgery is always planned in three dimensions, but for pediatric patients, the fourth dimension–growth–is instrumental in proper treatment planning. In this book, experts in the fields of pediatric oral and maxillofacial surgery describe how to perform operations with this parameter in mind. The book covers congenital and syndromic facial deformities as well as acquired conditions, benign and malignant tumors, and trauma. All ages from neonates to adolescents are included, with a special focus on appropriate timing for surgery, taking into consideration anatomical functionality and the psychosocial well-being of the patient. Intrasurgical photographs and detailed illustrations complement the text, showing procedures step by step and providing long-term follow-up for actual cases. Anatomical areas include not only the oral cavity, mandible, and midface but the ears, eyes, TMJs, and skull, and additional locations for bone and tissue graft harvesting are also discussed. An indispensable guide for anyone who performs oral and maxillofacial surgery on growing individuals.

Unsere Empfehlungen


Quintessence International

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich
Sprache: Englisch
Impact Faktor: 1.3 (2023)

Kategorien: Fachübergreifend, Zahnheilkunde allgemein

Schriftleitung / Chefredaktion: Prof. Dr. Eli Eliav DMD, MSc, PhD
Koordinierende Redaktion: Elizabeth Ducker
QP Deutschland