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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Stephen J. Chu / Alessandro Devigus / Adam J. Mieleszko / Rade D. Paravina

I fondamenti del colore

Scelta dei colori e comunicazione nell'odontoiatria estetica

Prima edizione 2012
Copertina morbida , 158 Seiten, 506 Abbildungen
Sprache: Italienisch
Kategorien: Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, Zahntechnik

ISBN 978-88-7492-163-8
QP Italy

Questo libro esplora i fondamenti scientifici e l'arte del colore, fornendo al lettore una comprensione approfondita dei meccanismi coinvolti nell'abbinamento dei colori. Inoltre, analizza in dettaglio gli elementi clinici che influenzano la percezione del colore, offrendo una guida completa per l'applicazione pratica in odontoiatria e altre discipline visive.

Argomenti e contenuti

Didattica del colore ed addestramento
Teoria del colore
Elementi che influiscono sul colore
Tecniche convenzionali di scelta dei colori
Strumenti tecnologici per la scelta dei colori
Fotografia digitale
Scelta dei materiali
Produzione predicibile del colore
Casi clinici


Dr. Stephen J. Chu DMD, MSD, CDT, MDT

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, New York, NY

Stephen J. Chu, DMD, MSD, CDT, MDT, ist außerordentlicher Lehrstuhlinhaber am New York University, College of Dentistry in den Abteilungen für Parodontologie, Implantologie und Prothetik. Er hat an über 80 Publikationen mitgewirkt, darunter sechs Lehrbücher, und hält national und international Vorträge zu den Themen ästhetische, restaurative und implantologische Zahnmedizin. Dr. Chu führt eine Privatpraxis mit den Schwerpunkten festsitzende Prothetik, ästhetische Zahnheilkunde und Implantologie in New York City.


Dr. Alessandro Devigus

Schweiz, Buelach

21. Aug. 1962: Geboren auf Sardinien (Italien). 1987: Abschluss des Studiums der Zahnmedizin am Zahnmedizinischen Zentrum der Universität Zürich (Schweiz). Seit 1990: in eigener Praxis tätig; CEREC Instruktor am Zahnmedizinischen Zentrum der Universität Zürich – Verschiedene Kurse und Vorträge aus den Bereichen CAD/CAM, Fotografie, digitale Technologien. Publikationen: ehem. Chefredakteur des International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (Quintessenz Verlag) ; The Fundamentals of Color Quintessence Publishing (Spring 2004 / 2010) – Verschiedene Kurzartikel und Fallberichte. Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten: Neue-Gruppe Mitglied, EAED-active member, Bio-Emulation-Mentor, ITI-Fellow und Referent.


Adam J. Mieleszko CDT

Adam J. Mieleszko, CDT graduated in 1997 from New York City Technical College with a degree in Dental Laboratory Technology. In 2000, he received certification in dental ceramics. Since then he has worked in close collaboration with a leading prosthodontists in the field. Interacting with patients on daily bases mastered his skills in dental aesthetic challenges. Adam coauthored books “Fundamentals of Color, Shade Matching and Communication in Esthetic Dentistry” (Quintessence Publishing, 2004, 2011’2nd edition), “Color in Dentistry, Clinical Guide to Predictable Esthetics” (Quintessence Publishing 2017) and contributed to numerous clinical and technical articles in industry journals.


Rade D. Paravina DDS, MS, PhD

Rade D. Paravina, DDS, MS, PhD, is a tenured professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics and director of the Houston Center for Biomaterials and Biomimetics (HCBB). He holds the Ralph C. Cooley, DDS Distinguished Professorship in Biomaterials, an endowment created by world-renowned heart surgeon Denton A. Cooley, MD. Dr Paravina has authored/co-edited four books, 15 book chapters, two software programs, one educational CD, and more than 270 other peer-reviewed publications (including articles and abstracts). His work has been cited more than 2500 times on Scopus and over 5500 times on Google Scholar. Dr Paravina designed and/or developed several dental products and tests. This includes Linearguide 3D Master and Bleachedguide 3D Master shade guides (with Vita Zahnfabrik), Dental Color Matcher, a free online educational and training program for esthetic dentistry, and the scientific protocol for evaluating the "chameleon effect" of dental materials. Dr Paravina is founder and past president of the Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry (SCAD). He is a recipient of the 2011 E. B. Clark Award, SCAD recognition for liefetime achievement, and the 2014 Jerome M. and Dorothy Schweitzer Research Award of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics. He is Director of the Executive Council of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED) and a fellow of AAED, SCAD, and the American Association for Dental Research (AADR). He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry and an editorial board member of several highly regarded journals.