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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Steffen Rohrbach

Complete Dentures

The Legacy Prosthetic System

Voraussichtliches Erscheinen: August 2025
1. Auflage 2025
Softcover; 22 x 25 cm, 120 Seiten, 156 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Prothetik, Zahntechnik

ISBN 978-1-64724-218-3

Produkt in Vorbereitung.

A complete denture must restore not only the patient’s ability to masticate food, along with appropriate esthetics and phonetics, but also replace the hard and soft tissues lost due to atrophy. Unfortunately, the necessary knowledge and skills to manage these complex rehabilitations has increasingly been forgotten in the education of dentistry and dental technology. While the dental industry has introduced new manufacturing protocols and developed new materials to simplify the process of denture-making, this “progress” has done little to improve patient care. On the contrary, patients are more than ever supplied with insufficient prosthetics, often the result of cost pressure in the laboratory, lack of training opportunities, and economic considerations by the treating dentist. The one who suffers is of course the patient, as these individuals will often accept even the most suboptimal solutions as an inevitable result of their tooth loss. Steffen Rohrbach wants to change that, promoting the notion that functional full dentures must not be a privilege of prosperity but accessible to every patient who needs them. And that starts with educating and equipping dental professionals to treat these cases well. This book records the treatment concepts that have benefitted his patients over the years and is intended to be a work of reference for diligent clinicians and dental technicians who want to improve patient care and deliver exceptional dentures to every patient who comes seeking their help.

Chapter 01. The Primary (Anatomical) Impression
Chapter 02. The Functional Impression Tray
Chapter 03. The Myofunctional Impression
Chapter 04. Registration
Chapter 05. Model Assembly
Chapter 06. The Model Analysis
Chapter 07. Esthetics
Chapter 08. Anterior Tooth Setup
Chapter 09. Posterior Tooth Setup
Chapter 10. Modeling of the Gingiva
Chapter 11. The Try-in Appointment
Chapter 12. Processing
Chapter 13. Finishing
Chapter 14. Closing Words


Steffen Rohrbach

ZT Steffen Rohrbach absolvierte 1996 seine Ausbildung zum Zahntechniker an der Bergius Berufsschule in Frankfurt am Main. Er ist spezialisiert auf die Gestaltung und Herstellung von herausnehmbaren und festsitzenden Hybrid-Zahnprothesen, die Rehabilitation des gesamten Mundes, das Swiss Denture Concept sowie Implantologie und kosmetischen Zahnersatz. Er ist Lehrbeauftragter an der Swiss School of Prosthetics und leitender Direktor bei Edmonds Dental Prosthetics in Springfield, Missouri.

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A True Metamorphosis

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