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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Massimo Simion

Clinical Osseointegration and Bone Regeneration

2 Bewertung(en)

1. Auflage 2024
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm; incl 30 Videos, 648 Seiten, 1888 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Implantologie

Artikelnr.: 7807
ISBN 978-1-78698-141-7
QP Deutschland


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This textbook covers the author’s extensive 35 years of experience in the field of osseointegrated dental implants and bone regeneration. It is a useful guide for dental students and for those approaching osseointegrated implant techniques for the first time as well as a helpful handbook for experts wishing to refine their techniques in bone regeneration, peri-implant soft tissue management, and the satisfactory resolution of esthetically complex cases. The book comprises in-depth research of historic and recent clinical cases to bring the reader a comprehensive collection of concepts that can be used to solve almost all the challenges faced in implant and regenerative clinical practice. The author dedicates the book to all those who realize that being an “expert” means learning to ask more and more questions, and that many of those questions remain unanswered.

Chapter 01. Histologic features of osseous tissue
Chapter 02. Surgical anatomy of the maxilla and mandible
Chapter 03. Biologic foundations of osseointegration
Chapter 04. Surgical techniques for achieving osseointegration
Chapter 05. Treatment planning and therapy for completely and partially edentulous patients
Chapter 06. Guided implant surgery
Chapter 07. Alveolar ridge preservation and immediate implant placement
Chapter 08. Immediate loading
Chapter 09. Surgical and prosthetic complications: prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
Chapter 10. Management of inferior alveolar nerve injuries
Chapter 11. Patients undergoing antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy
Chapter 12. Bisphosphonates and implantology
Chapter 13. Diagnosis and treatment of peri-implantitis
Chapter 14. Biologic principles of the guided bone regeneration
Chapter 15. Surgical techniques for guided bone regeneration
Chapter 16. Horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation
Chapter 17. Vertical alveolar ridge augmentation
Chapter 18. Implant treatment in esthetic areas
Chapter 19. Peri-implant soft tissue management
Chapter 20. Bone regeneration with growth factors
Chapter 21. Sinus floor elevation
Chapter 22. Complications of GBR: prevention, diagnosis, and management

Fabiana Allevi • Mario Beretta • Fabio Bernardello • Federico Biglioli • Paolo Bozzoli • Elena Canciani • Christer Dahlin • Daniele De Santis • Claudia Dellavia • Luca Ferrantino • Filippo Fontana • Eleonora Idotta • Michele Maglione • Carlo Maiorana • Marco Morra • Myron Nevins • Pier Francesco Nocini • Riccardo Nocini • Stefano Pieroni • Alberto Pispero • Roberto Pistilli • Alessandra Sironi • Giovanni Zucchelli


Prof. Dr. Massimo Simion MS, DDS

Italien, Milan

Dr. Simion ist Professor und Leiter der Abteilung für Parodontologie an der Universität Mailand, Fakultät für Zahnmedizin. Er ist auch ehemaliger Präsident und Mitglied des Rates der Europäischen Akademie für Osseointegration. Er ist Mitglied in den Redaktionsbeiräten des Journal of Periodontology, The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry und Clinical Oral Implants Research. Dr. Simion hat mehrere wissenschaftliche Arbeiten veröffentlicht und hält international Vorträge über Parodontologie, Osseointegration und Knochenregeneration.

Cover, Simion: Clinical Osseointegration and Bone Regeneration


Sehr gutes Buch von einem der Pioniere der GBR Technik !

nice book

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International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Erscheinungsweise: zweimonatlich
Sprache: Englisch
Impact Faktor: 1.3 (2023)

Kategorien: Restaurative Zahnheilkunde, Parodontologie

Schriftleitung / Chefredaktion: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz DDS, MS, PhD, Dr. Oscar Gonzalez-Martin DDS, PhD, MSc
Koordinierende Redaktion: Kristen Henningson