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Dr. Stefen Koubi schloss sein Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Universität Marseille, Frankreich, im Jahr 1998 ab. Seit 2008 ist er Dozent an den Abteilungen für konservierende und restaurative Zahnmedizin der zahnmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Marseille und seit 2011 Doktor der Zahnmedizin. Er betreibt eine private Praxis in Marseille und in Paris. Sein Interessensschwerpunkt ist die ästhetische Rehabilitation aus kosmetischen oder funktionellen Gründen (Zahnverschleiß). Als Gastredner bei vielen Fachgesellschaften für ästhetische Zahnmedizin auf der ganzen Welt referiert er über einfache Konzepte für qualitativ hochwertige ästhetische Versorgungen und erhält zahlreiche Einladungen als Dozent in Postgraduiertenprogrammen. Dr. Koubi wurde im Jahr 2012 von den Studenten der Universität Marseille mit dem Goldenen Molaren (Hochschullehrer des Jahres) ausgezeichnet und erhielt im selben Jahr die Auszeichnung als bester Nachwuchsredner der Societe Odontologique de Paris. Seit 2012 ist er aktives Mitglied der Gruppe StyleItaliano und verantwortlich für indirekte Versorgungen. Im selben Jahr gründete er das Institut de la Facette, ein privates Weiterbildungsinstitut für die Themen Veneerversorgungen aus ästhetischen und funktionellen Gründen und digitale Zahnmedizin. Zudem ist er Autor und Koautor vieler nationaler und internationaler Publikationen zu Themen der ästhetischen Zahnmedizin und Zahnverschleiß.
12. Sept. 2024 — 14. Sept. 2024Palau de Congressos de Palma, Palma de Mallorca, Spanien
Referenten: Tara Aghaloo, Serhat Aslan, Nitzan Bichacho, Darko Božić, Tali Chackartchi, Victor Clavijo, Gustavo Giordani, Moshe Goldstein, Galip Gürel, Stefen Koubi, Hilal Kuday, Alberto Monje, Stavros Pelekanos, Mario Alonso Puig, Ariel J. Raigrodski, Aušra Ramanauskaitė, Isabella Rocchietta, Mariano Sanz, Ignacio Sanz Sànchez, Venceslav Stankov
The 9th World Dental Meeting in Japan 2023
No Dentistry, No Wellness!29. Sept. 2023 — 1. Okt. 2023Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center, Yokohama, Japan
Referenten: Alessandro Agnini, Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini, Wael Att, Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, Markus B. Blatz, Victor Clavijo, Karim Dada, Glécio Vaz de Campos, Vincent Fehmer, Naoki Hayashi, Mario Imburgia, Guillaume Jouanny, Sérgio Kahn, Bertrand Khayat, Christopher Köttgen, Stefen Koubi, Tomas Linkevičius, Nazariy Mykhaylyuk, Ravindra Nanda, Andreas Nolte, Léon Parienté, Jose Manuel Reuss , Domenico Ricucci, Isabella Rocchietta, Irena Sailer, Todd R. Schoenbaum, Werner Schupp, Sandra Khong Tai, Istvan Urban, Eric Van Dooren, Débora R. Vilaboa, Otto Zuhr
Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd. Japan
Zeitschriftenbeiträge dieses Autors
International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 1/2021
Although it is generally accepted that a prosthetic restoration must take into account the gingiva, smile, and patient’s face, it is often difficult to determine precisely what facial references must be considered. The purpose of this study was to determine the correct vertical and horizontal facial reference planes in esthetic prosthetic treatment. Using photographic analysis of 160 individuals, the different facial reference planes (interpupillary, intermeatic, intercommissural, and incisal edge lines; facial midline; and Camper and Frankfort planes) were compared to the ideal prosthetic reconstruction axis. Additional measurements, including the human eye’s ability to perceive parallelism, were recorded. Most participants (64%) exhibited facial asymmetry. Asymmetry was horizontal (difference between widths of the right and left sides; 52.4%), vertical (difference between heights of the right and left sides; 6.9%), or mixed (4.7%). The interpupillary line is the main horizontal reference in 88.4% of situations, with the intercommissural line the second most important. In the profile view, the horizontal plane was on average 6.5 degrees above the Camper plane and 9 degrees below the Frankfort plane. The human eye’s ability to perceive parallelism between two lines was found to be limited to differences of approximately 1 degree. During anterior tooth reconstruction, it is necessary to take into account the right horizontal and vertical esthetic references. Knowledge of the biometric facial parameters in natural dentition is necessary to define the right reconstruction axes based on the facial symmetry or asymmetry.
Treatment of tooth wear has increased over the last two decades. However, the treatments involved have not been satisfactory to most patients, nor have they achieved the expected goal on some worn teeth. New approaches have emerged to reconstruct full arches in a minimally invasive way that take advantage of developments in the field of adhesive dentistry. These new concepts constitute a revolution in dentistry and their application requires adapted techniques and training. The purpose of this article is to suggest a precise and reproducible method that simplifies the treatment of worn dentition. A wax-up and a mock-up are primarily used to design the esthetic outcome and then used as a guide for the preparation of anterior teeth or the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth. This not only provides the exact new vertical dimension of occlusion but serves as a guide for precisely controlling occlusal preparation simultaneously with buccal preparation. The classical cavity design for a partial bonded restoration on posterior worn dentition is also reviewed. The authors believe that during the preparation of the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth surfaces, the marginal ridges must be preserved to reduce the biologic cost and mechanical stress leading to fracture. A new type of thin and reduced restoration called tabletop is presented.