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Christopher Köttgen / Douglas A. Terry

Dr. Chris Webinar #3 - Restoring with Flowables

Category: Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics
Language(s): English
Publication year: 2021

With the adhesive design concept and the injectable resin composite technique, flowable composites can expand dental treatment options, improve precision and predictability, and reduce chair time. Clinical applications include anterior and posterior composite restorations; pediatric crowns; bonding indirect restorations; developing the ovate pontic site; eliminating cervical tooth sensitivity; enhancing internal adaptation; immediate dentin sealing; provisional fabrication, modification, and repair; rebonding the fractured ceramic restoration; repairing fractured denture teeth; tooth splinting; developing a post and core; developing the functional composite prototype; mandibular anterior composite veneers; and restoring form and function, among others. By using the right materials and protocols with this adhesive design concept, you will be able to develop natural-looking restorations while providing superior treatment to your patients.

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