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Enrico Cogo / Pietro Sibilla / Roberto Turrini

Blanqueamiento dental

Métodos para el éxito

1st Edition 2014
Hardcover, 264 pages, 570 illus
Language: Spanish
Category: Esthetic Dentistry

ISBN 978-84-89873-61-2
QP Spain


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Un gran número de profesionales han trabajado “a ciegas” con los nuevos productos que salen al mercado, confi ando plenamente en las indicaciones del fabricante. Este libro documenta y contrasta con la literatura existente aplicaciones paso a paso, resultados, experiencias y problemas que se han encontrando en los numerosos tratamientos de blanqueamiento dental.


Enrico Cogo

Born in Legnago (Verona). Completed dental school in 2005 at the University of Ferrara. Since 2006: scholarship recipient at the University of Ferrara. Since 2006: lecturer in the crown and bridge department at the University of Ferrara. Speaker at courses and conferences. Author of scientific contributions in national and international journals. Independent dentist specializing in reconstructive esthetic dentistry and endodontics in Legnago (Verona), Ferrara, Goito (Mantua), San Giuseppe (Ferrara), and Nogara (Verona).


Pietro Sibilla

Completed dental school in 2003 at the University of Ferrara. Since 2007, scholarship recipient at the University of Ferrara. Winner of the Goldman Prize in 2004. Speaker at courses and conferences. Author of scientific contributions in international journals. Independent dentist specializing in conservative and reconstructive dentistry in Ferrara, San Giuseppe (Ferrara), and Rovigo.


Roberto Turrini

Completed dental school in 2004 at the University of Ferrara. Since 2005, employee at the practice of Dr. Mauro Fradeani in Pesaro. Attended numerous national and international courses, including the annual course by Dr. Mauro Fradeani in 2006 and the implant training by Drs. Marco Redemagni and Giuliano Garlini in 2008. Independent dentist specializing in esthetic conservative dentistry. Speaker at courses and conferences and author of scientific contributions in international journals.

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