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116 Authors/Speakers


Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernd Stadlinger

Switzerland, Zürich

Bernd Stadlinger studied medicine and dentistry at the universities of Erlangen, Vienna, and Dresden from 1996 to 2006. He trained as a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University Hospital Dresden and habilitated in 2011 with the topic “Functional biomaterials to influence maxillofacial bone healing.” In July 2011, he became senior physician in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Clinic for Oral Surgery at the University of Zurich. After his rehabilitation at the University of Zurich, he became a specialist in oral surgery in 2013, and has been Head Physician and Head of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology since December 2015. Bernd Stadlinger is a board member of the Swiss Society for Oral Surgery and Stomatology (SSOS) and the Swiss Association for Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Diseases (SAKM). The focus of his scientific work is the interaction between biomaterials and bone, in particular the coating of implants with different organic components to accelerate peri-implant bone healing. His other area of interest is imaging techniques and the implementation of digital treatment methods. In the field of teaching, he is the author of various computer-animated science films and is actively involved in the integration of modern media into university teaching, for which he has received numerous science and teaching awards.

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Prof. Dr. Clark Stanford DDS, PhD, MHA

United States of America, Iowa City

Dr. Clark Stanford came to the University of Iowa (UI) from Northbrook, Illinois, in 1979. Clark enjoyed the small town atmosphere and the friends he made while in Iowa City after coming from a large Chicago suburb. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology (1984), D.D.S (1987), Ph.D. in Biology, and a Certificate in Prosthodontics (1992) - all from the UI. While working toward his degrees, he studied in the lab of his mentor, Michael Solursh, for both his B.S (1981-1983) and Ph.D. (1987-1992). He credits his father, who was a Biochemist, and Professor Solursh's mentoring support, for influencing him to pursue a career in oral health research. He also recalled former Biology faculty George Cain and Eugene Spaziani along with current Professor David Soll, as other individuals who impacted his career. Dr. Stanford said his education "defines in many ways what I do on a day-to-day basis" as the Dean of the College of Dentistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Stanford was previously the Associate Dean for Research, Centennial Fund Professor, and Director of Clinical Research in the College of Dentistry at the UI. He also held secondary appointments in the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation (College of Medicine) and the Department of Biomedical Engineering (College of Engineering) at the UI. His expertise area is implant dentistry with his main clinical research interests in implants, implant biomaterials, and dental materials. He is also interested in bone biology including biologically-mediated bone mineralization (implants), bone metabolism, osteoblasts, and isolating and characterizing human osteogenic cells. In 2006, he received the Board of Regents Award for Faculty Excellence, and in 2007, the Distinguished Scientist Award from the International Association for Dental Research. Dr. Stanford serves on the committees of several professional organizations including the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and is a member of many others.

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Dr. Kyle Stanley

United States of America

Dr. Kyle Stanley, named as "The Next Generation of Cosmetic Dentistry" by the AACD in 2015 and "Top 10 Young Educators in Dentistry" by the Seattle Study Club, graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC and then completed a dental implant residency along with a dental implant specialty in Brazil. While at USC, Dr. Stanley completed an esthetic mini-residency with a world leader, Dr. Pascal Magne, and was honored with the Charles L. Pincus Award for outstanding achievements in esthetic dentistry by the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He is also a dedicated researcher who has published in some of the top international dental journals about topics relating to esthetics, dental implants, and smile design. Dr. Stanley is a KOL for many well-respected companies and has presented on five continents as a highly in-demand speaker. With his company Pearl, he is changing the way patients are treated through artificial intelligence and is a leader in this field. Dr. Stanley is the leading advocate of mental health in dentistry. He maintains an exclusive private practice in Beverly Hills, CA.

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Dr. med. dent. Thomas Staudt

Germany, Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Martina Stefanini PhD

Italy, Bologna

Dr. Stefanini is a researcher in the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences at Bologna University, Italy and also a dental surgeon in private practice. She graduated from the University of Bologna with a degree in dentistry in 2005. She was awarded a PhD in Medical Sciences in 2016 from the same institution. Dr. Stefanini is an ITI Fellow, has sat on of the Editorial and the Scientific Committees of the Italian Society of Periodontology and continues to be an active member. She was a Visiting Professor at San Raffaele University Milan in 2015-2016 and taught a postgraduate program at the Dental School San Raffaele, University Milan and for the II level International Master at Bologna University in 2017. Dr. Stefanini is an expert in periodontology and has authored several publications in Pubmed, as well as speaking at national and international conferences on periodontology.

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Prof. Dr. Meike Stiesch

Germany, Hannover

Dr. Angela Stillhart

Switzerland, Zürich

Prof. Dr. Michael Stimmelmayr

Germany, Cham

Michael Stimmelmayr became a research assistant at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich upon graduation in dentistry from the University of Regensburg. He obtained his doctoral degree in 1992 and his specialization as oral surgeon in 1997, serving as assistant medical director at the Chair for Prosthodontics. In 2000 he opened his own practice in Cham, with a professional focus on oral implantology and specialization in periodontology.

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Dr. Malin Strasding

Switzerland, Genf

My name is Malin Strasding, I am Lecturer at the University of Geneva, Division for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (Head: Prof. Irena Sailer) since 2016. I studied in Freiburg, Germany and then worked as a Research Assistant in the Department for Prosthetic Dentistry (Head: Prof. J. Strub) from 2014-2016. I am specialized in Reconstructive Dentistry (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry SSRD) and Specialist in Prosthodontics (DGPro).

Currently, I am resposible for the undergraduate clinical training and co-responsable for the postgraduate specialisation programme. My research focus lies on novel restorative concepts in fixed prosthodontics supported by digital technologies.

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Dr. Senichi Suzuki

Clinical professor of Nihon University, President-Elect of ICOI International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Former adjunct Professor of University of Southern California, Board of Regent of ADI Academy of Dentistry International, Honorary Professor of Yantai Stomatological Hospital China, President of Ebina Dental Association, CEO of Lion Medical Corporation
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Dr. Masana Suzuki DDS

Japan, Tokyo

Dr. Suzuki practices Periodontics in Tokyo, Japan, and is currently recognized as an international leader in the field of periodontal microsurgery (surgery performed using a microscope). Dr. Masana Suzuki received his DDS from Nippon University, Matsudo campus, School of Dentistry, in 1984. Since 1989, he has maintained a full-time private practice in Tokyo, Japan. He is an active member of the Japanese Society of Periodontology, the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology, the AMED (Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry), the Advisor of the Society of Japan Clinical Dentistry (SJCD) Tokyo, and one of the well-known clinicians and lecturers in the field of Periodontal Microsurgery.

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