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Dr. Sven Rinke M.Sc., M.Sc.

Germany, Karlstein am Main
Dr. Sven Rinke, M.Sc., M.Sc., was born 1966. He completed his dental education at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen/Germany in 1991. Rinke founded his private dental practice in Hanau/Germany in 1996, now leading a team with 7 dentists and 20 dental assistants. Since 1998, he's a senior lecturer for Material Sciences and Prosthetic Dentistry, he also had teaching assignments with the Universities of Aachen and Witten/Herdecke (both Germany). Dr. Rinke is an Assigned Board Specialist of Oral Implantology and Periodontology. In May 2007, he was granted the title Master of Science in Oral Implantology. In September 2009 he was awarded the Master of Science in Periodontology. Just a couple of months later, his scientific lecture at the congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parodontologie (German Society of Periodontology) was honoured, and in September 2011, his studies were awarded with the annual Implant Research Award of this society.


1 Products found

Sven Rinke


Ein Praxiskonzept

1. Auflage 2012
Hardcover, 240 pages, 364 illus
Language: German
Categories: Prosthodontics, Dental Technology
ISBN 978-3-86867-049-3
QP Deutschland

Laminate Veneers

Elsgit Voss / Sven Rinke

Length: 23 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German
Source: Basiswissen Zahntechnik 2.0
Category: Dental Technology
available since: February 16, 2012


Die Verblendung eines Prämolaren aus Cercon Smart Ceramics

Peter M. Finke / Sven Rinke

Length: 9 minutes
Production year: 2006
Language: German
Series: Dental Video Magazin
Category: Dental Technology
available since: August 30, 2007


Keramische Laminate Veneers mit CergoKiss und DuceragoldKiss

Sven Rinke / Elsgit Voss

Length: 23 minutes
Production year: 2006
Language: German
Series: Dental Video Magazin
Category: Dental Technology
available since: August 30, 2007


Ästhetische Patientenversorgung mit keramisch verblendeten Kronen und Brücken (DuceramKiss)

Jürgen Braunwarth / Sven Rinke

Length: 21 minutes
Production year: 2006
Language: German
Series: Dental Video Magazin
Category: Dental Technology
available since: August 30, 2007


Ästhetischer Zahnersatz aus Keramik (Dreigliedrige Brücke aus Degunorm, verblendet mit DuceragoldKiss)

Peter M. Finke / Sven Rinke

Length: 12 minutes
Production year: 2006
Language: German
Series: Dental Video Magazin
Category: Dental Technology
available since: August 30, 2007

This author's journal articles

News from this author
February 17, 2023

Die Versorgung des zahnlosen Unterkiefers mit CAD/CAM-gefertigten Stegsuprakonstruktionen

Literaturübersicht und drei klinische Fallbeispiele zeigen reduzierte technische Komplikationsraten, wenn die Rahmenbedingungen stimmen