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Dr. Bruno Di Leonardo DDS, MS

Italy, Riva del Garda
2008: Doctor in Dental Surgery (DDS) at the 'University of Verona', Italy, with maximum marks. 2012: Master of Science (MS, Orthodontics) at the 'University of Trieste', Trieste, Italy, with maximum marks Licensure: 2009 Italian Dental Board 2009 Full registration, Ordine dei Medici e degli Odontoiatri di Trento. 2012 Incognito, Lingual Orthodontic System 2012 Invisalign, Clear Orthodontic System CLINICAL AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (from most recent): 2017-present: private practice in Arco, Italy Curriculum Vitae Bruno Di Leonardo DDS, MS Date of birth: 7 march, 1984 Place of birth: San Candido, Italy 2014-present: visiting Professor at University of Trieste, Department of Orthodontics, Italy 2008-present Part-time Associate in private dental practice (Orthodontics), Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto, Italy. MAIN PAST AND PRESENT ACTIVITIES ACCORDING TO EACH FIELD: A: Teaching/Lecturing activities Since 2012, I have been involved in teaching/ lecturing activities both within and outside the University of Trieste, into the following topics. BDS students: Basics of dentofacial orthopaedics with emphasis on treatment timing; Post-graduate students: Skeletal anchorage in orthodontics; Courses/Congresses (national and international): Skeletal anchorage in orthodontics.

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