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Ueli Grunder

Implantation with Simultaneous Augmentation

30 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Implantologie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2006
Video-Quelle: APW DVD Journal
Reihe: APW DVD Journal


  • Case evaluation
  • Incision technique
  • Implant placement
  • Membrane adjustment and fixation
  • Introduction of replacement material
  • Flap mobilization
  • Suture technique

Implantation was desired for replacement of a missing upper canine tooth and the adjacent lateral incisor tooth. The initial case evaluation revealed a relatively narrow gap between these two teeth in addition to extensive hard and soft-tissue defects. We selected an incision technique that made it possible to do the augmentation work yet subsequently achieve a tension-free flap closure. Since the bony defect was large while the available space was limited, we had to go for the best possible compromise in regard to implant insertion. After the implants had been inserted, augmentation was carried out using a non-absorbable, titanium-reinforced membrane, bone replacement material, and an absorbable membrane. Extreme flap mobilization was needed to achieve flap closure. An optimal suture technique was used to complete the surgery.

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