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Raj Rattan / John Tiernan

Risk Management in General Dental Practice

Reihe: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 13
1st Edition 2004
Hardcover, 164 Seiten, 32 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Praxismanagement, Zahnheilkunde allgemein

ISBN 978-1-85097-066-8
QP United Kingdom

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The need for an effective risk-management strategy for the dental profession has never been greater as dentists face the dual challenges of regulation and legislation and cope with the heightened expectations of an informed public. This book explores the many facets of risk management, including consent, ethical issues, effective communication, complaint resolution, and risk assessment.

Chapter 01. Understanding Risk
Chapter 02. Principles of Risk Management
Chapter 03. Understanding Human Error
Chapter 04. Ethical Considerations
Chapter 05. Consent and Communication
Chapter 06. Dentist-Patient Relationship
Chapter 07. Clinical Records
Chapter 08. Clinical Negligence
Chapter 09. Handling Complaints
Chapter 10. Business Risk
Cover, Rattan/Tiernan: Risk Management in General Dental Practice
"...The authors' combined private dental practice and administrative experiences serve to present the uncomfortable topic of errors in dentistry in a format more acceptable to practicing dentists. Historically, dentists have avoided confronting risk and error out of guilt and fear of peer disapproval and punishment. This treatise helps practioners recognize that risk is a fact of clinical life and will enable them to overcome it in a planned positive program."
Chester J. Gary, DDS, JD; NYSDJ (December 2004)