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Yair Sharav / Rafael Benoliel (Hrsg.)

Orofacial Pain and Headache

2nd Edition 2015
Hardcover, 664 Seiten, 107 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie

ISBN 978-0-86715-680-5


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For many years, the study and treatment of orofacial pain have been considered as separate from the study and treatment of headaches, but the editors of this updated award-winning textbook take the philosophical stance that orofacial pain and headache must be considered together. The authors integrate knowledge across these disciplines to improve diagnostic accuracy and clinical management of chronic pain conditions and foster a beneficial collaboration between headache specialists and orofacial pain experts. The first chapters cover the diagnostic process, psychosocial modifying factors, and the anatomy and neurophysiology of the trigeminal nerve, but the bulk of the book is given over to a comprehensive review of the major clinical families of craniofacial pain. In this new edition, the authors place a focus on presenting clinical features and outlining treatment strategies, and the clinical case reports offer insight into the complexity of orofacial pain diagnosis and management. Because pharmacotherapy remains the primary treatment for most craniofacial pain, two chapters detail the pharmacology, efficacy, and side effects of commonly used drugs, although treatment options for neurosurgical and complementary and alternative medicine are also included. Finally, a new chapter addressing facial pain, headache, and sleep provides much-needed insight to this often-overlooked topic. The authors interweave an impressive body of scientific evidence with solid clinical experience to provide a timely and instructive addition to the pain literature.

Chapter 01. The Diagnostic Process
Chapter 02. Anatomy and Neurophysiology of Orofacial Pain
Chapter 03. Measuring and Assessing Pain
Chapter 04. Psychologic Aspects of Chronic Orofacial Pain
Chapter 05. Orofacial Pain, Headache, and Sleep
Chapter 06. Acute Orofacial Pain
Chapter 07. Otolaryngological Aspects of Orofacial Pain
Chapter 08. Myalgia, Myofascial Pain, Tension-Type Headaches, and Fibromyalgia
Chapter 09. Pain and Dysfunction of the Temporomandibular Joint
Chapter 10. Migraine and Possible Facial Variants: Neurovascular Orofacial Pain
Chapter 11. The Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias
Chapter 12. Neuropathic Orofacial Pain
Chapter 13. Neurosurgical Aspects of Orofacial Pain
Chapter 14. Secondary Orofacial Pain and Headache: Systemic Diseases, Tumors, and Trauma
Chapter 15. Pharmacotherapy for Acute Orofacial Pain
Chapter 16. Pharmacotherapy for Chronic Orofacial Pain
Chapter 17. Complementary and Alternative Medicine


Yair Sharav

Yair Sharav, DMD, MS, is a professor in the Department of Oral Medicine at The Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in Jerusalem. Dr Sharav is responsible for establishing the Orofacial Pain Clinic at Hadassah Medical Center in 1974—the first of its kind in Israel—and directing it as well as the Center for Pain Research at The Hebrew University for over 25 years. He has also served variously as a past dean of the School of Dental Medicine at The Hebrew University and a former head of the Department of Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, and Radiology at Hadassah Medical Center. Internationally, he was a visiting professor at Toronto University and a visiting scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr Sharav's work has contributed widely to the knowledge and understanding of the diagnosis, treatment, and mechanisms of orofacial pain.


Dr. Rafael Benoliel BDS

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Newark

Rafael Benoliel, BDS, ist Direktor des Zentrums für Orofaziale Schmerzen und Temporomandibuläre Störungen sowie stellvertretender Dekan für Forschung an der Rutgers School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Benoliel war Lehrbeauftragter an der Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, wo er auch zum Vorsitzenden der Abteilung für orale Medizin ernannt wurde. Er war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung für neuronale Genexpression am National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Dr. Benoliel hat zahlreiche Publikationen zum Thema orofaziale Schmerzen veröffentlicht, hält zahlreiche Vorträge auf nationalen und internationalen Tagungen, ist Mitglied des Redaktionsbeirats mehrerer führender Fachzeitschriften und war Mitglied zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Ausschüsse, darunter der Klassifizierungsausschüsse der International Headache Society und der Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders.

Cover, Sharav/Benoliel: Orofacial Pain and Headache