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Fausto Frizzera / Jamil Awad Shibli / Elcio Marcantonio Jr (Hrsg.)

Integrated Esthetics in Periodontics and Implantology

1. Auflage 2022
Hardcover; 22.8 x 31 cm, 464 Seiten, 3063 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, Implantologie, Parodontologie

ISBN 978-1-78698-098-4
QP Deutschland


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Many books include an inherent bias: The authors specialize in a certain beloved technique and attempt to apply this technique to multiple clinical situations while glorifying the successes and dismissing the failures. Or a book is written by researchers so wrapped up in science and academia that they forget what it really means to run a dental practice and deal with patients on a day-to-day basis. This book is different. The authors have many decades of both academic and clinical experience and have set out to produce a clear, impartial, and rational text to address new concepts and techniques that affect daily clinical practice. Treatments (including their limitations) are described, including many controversial techniques and clinical issues not previously described in the literature. The chapter layout is presented logically and in sequence to address the different specialties in an organized and contextualized way. A comprehensive background is provided to allow readers to determine for themselves – rather than be told – how to best develop a sound clinical work.

Chapter 01. Esthetic and functional planning: clinical and digital resources
Chapter 02. Gingival contour in the esthetic zone: treatment for short clinical crowns
Chapter 03. Root coverage in esthetic regions: treatment of long clinical crown
Chapter 04. Treatment planning in implant dentistry: the search for predictable result
Chapter 05. Socket preservation: how to maintain tissue architecture
Chapter 06. Implant placement in fresh sockets: how to get an ideal position
Chapter 07. Immediate provisional on teeth or implants: determining chronology and restoration contouring
Chapter 08. Immediate rehabilitation of intact and compromised sockets: a predictable protocol
Chapter 09. Treatment of esthetic complications around implants: the decision between keeping or removing an implant
Chapter 10. Long-term follow-up of implants: what should be expected
Chapter 11. Avoiding esthetic and functional defects on implants: how to condition the transition zone

Susana d’Avila • Matheus C. Bandéca • Luis M. Calderero • Gabriela C. de Castro • Hindra Colodetti • Deise Lima Cunha • Ulisses Dayube • Eduardo Fernandez • Rubens M. de Freitas • Luiz Guilherme Freitas de Paula • Fausto Frizzera • Ronald E. Jung • Camila Lorenzetti • Guilherme J. P. Lopes de Oliveira • Ana Carolina M. Marcantonio • Camila C. Marcantonio • Elcio Marcantonio Jr • Marco Masioli • Rodrigo Nahas • Judith M. P. Ottoni • Cristiano H. Pascoal • Adriano Piattelli • Giuseppe A. Romito • Vítor M. Sapata • Jamil A. Shibli • Daniel S. Thoma • Mateus R. Tonetto • Bianca Vimercati


Fausto Frizzera


Dr Fausto Frizzera works as a periodontist in a multidisciplinary practice and as a professor at graduate and postgraduate levels in Vitória, Brazil. He received his DDS degree from the Espírito Santo State University, then moved to São Paulo to become a specialist. He received his MSc in Periodontics from the School of Dentistry of Araraquara (UNESP), and a few years later his PhD degree in Implantology from the same institution. Dr Frizzera then returned to his hometown, Vitória, while maintaining his connection with UNESP as a postdoctoral fellow. He became a Full Professor of Periodontics and Implantology at the Dental School of FAESA and started teaching postgraduate courses in Implantology at the Brazilian Dental Association, where he was also a board member. Dr Frizzera is the author of the book Integrated Esthetics in Periodontics and Implantology and has published over 80 articles and book chapters in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, and Bulgarian.


Prof Jamil Awad Shibli PhD


Graduated in Dentistry from FOAr-UNESP. Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry, Implantology and Periodontics, Guarulhos University (UNG). PhD, Master’s, and Specialist in Periodontology from FOAr-UNESP. Professor at the Oral Surgery and Periodontology Department at FORP-USP. Periodontist and Implant Dentist at Private Practice, Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil.


Elcio Marcantonio Jr


Graduated in Dentistry from FOAr-UNESP. Specialist in Periodontology from EAP/APCD, Araraquara. Master’s and PhD in Restorative Dentistry from FOAr-UNESP. Professor of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at FOAr-UNESP. Professor of the Master’s Program at ILAPEO University. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Implant Dentistry at FOAr-UNESP and FAEPO. Partner of Marcantonio Continuing Education

Cover, Frizzera/Shibli/Marcantonio Jr: Integrated Esthetics in Periodontics and Implantology

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