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Tiziano Tealdo / Marco Bevilacqua / Paolo Pera

Columbus Bridge Protocol

Surgical and Prosthetic Guidelines for an Immediately Loaded, Implant-Supported Prosthesis in the Edentulous Maxilla

1st Edition 2012
Buch, Video-DVD
Book incl. Video-DVD, 422 Seiten, 700 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Prothetik

ISBN 978-88-7492-154-6
QP Italy


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Founded on the same principles as the Novum Protocol, the Columbus Bridge Protocol provides for the realization of a full-arch, screw-retained, functionally loaded provisional prosthesis within 24 to 48 hours after implant surgery in the maxilla. The authors detail the biologic principles on which the protocol is based as well as the experimental studies that led to its use. In addition, every aspect of treatment is addressed, including diagnostic procedures, choice of implant and abutment types, data transfer to the laboratory, laboratory procedures, surgical procedures, choice of restorative materials, delivery of the provisional and definitive prostheses, complication management, and instructions for hygiene and follow-up care. Two cases of full-arch treatment, one with and one without replacement of soft tissues, are presented in the text, and an accompanying DVD also presents a complete clinical case.

Chapter 01. Principles and Guidelines of Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation
Chapter 02. Bone Tissue Repair
Chapter 03. Presurgical Diagnostic Procedures
Chapter 04. Choice of Implant Type
Chapter 05. Primary Stability
Chapter 06. Angled Implants
Chapter 07. Prosthetic Abutments
Chapter 08. Data Transfer to the Dental Laboratory
Chapter 09. Laboratory Procedures
Chapter 10. Choice of Occlusal Materials in Implant Prosthodontics
Chapter 11. Full-Arch Fixed Prosthetic Treatment with Replacement of Soft Tissues: The Toronto Bridge
Chapter 12. Full-Arch Fixed Prosthetic Treatment Without Reconstruction of Soft Tissues: The Natural Bridge
Chapter 13. Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Patients Treated with the Columbus Bridge Protocol
Chapter 14. Complications and Their Management
Chapter 15. Hygiene and Clinical Follow-up
Chapter 16. Specific Components for the Columbus Bridge Protocol
Chapter 17. Patient Instructions

Tiziano Tealdo DDS, MS, CDT

Tiziano Tealdo, DDS, MS, CDT, obtained his certificate in dental laboratory technology in 1984. Dr Tealdo graduated in dentistry at the University of Turin, Italy in 1991. At the same university, he earned his postgraduate degree in oral surgery in 1993. Dr Tealdo obtained the university certificate in implantology at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, in 1998. From 1998 to 2000 he completed Dr Carlo Tinti’s postgraduate periodontal program, whichfocused on reconstruction of hard and soft tissue in conjunction with implant surgery. Dr Tealdo’s interest in implant-prosthetic therapy led him to attend the Brånemarkkliniken and the Brånemark Osseointegration Center, Gothenburg, Sweden; the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Ümea, Sweden; and the Malo Clinic in Lisbon, Portugal. Since 1997 he has been in charge of the Implant Division in the Department of Implant and Prosthetic Dentistry of Genoa University, Italy. Currently, at the same university, he is professor of Prosthodontics. Dr Tealdo is a member of the International College of Prosthodontists



Marco Bevilacqua DDS

Marco Bevilacqua, DDS, graduated with honors in dentistry from the University of Turin, Italy in 1998. Dr Bevilacqua began his studies in implantology while attending an International Training Course at the Brånemark Clinic of Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2002. In 2004 he specialized in oral implantology at the University of Genoa, Italy. Currently Dr Bevilacqua is working and lecturing at the University of Genoa teaching predoctoral and postdoctoral students in the Department of Implant and Prosthetic Dentistry, directed by Professor Paolo Pera. Since 2009 he has been a reviewer for the Journal of Prosthodontics.


Paolo Pera MD, DDS, PhD

Paolo Pera, MD, DDS, PhD, graduated in medicine from the University of Turin, Italy in 1975. Professor Pera was a former postgraduate student of Professor Giulio Preti and specialized in dentistry in the University of Turin in 1979. Since 1980, he collaborated with the clinical, teaching, and research activity of the Prosthodontics Department of Turin University. He lectured as assistant professor at many Universities in Italy and abroad. In 1997 Professor Pera became a full professor of prosthodontics at the University of Genoa, Italy. Past president of the Italian Society of Prosthetic and Implant-Prosthetic Dentistry and of the Dental Hygiene School of the University of Genoa. Professor Pera currently heads the Department of Implant and Prosthetic Dentistry of Genoa University. He has published many papers in Italian and international journals and university books text. Since 2004 Professor Pera has been a reviewer for the International Journal of Prosthodontic.

Cover, TIFF (CMYK)

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Enrico Agliardi / Davide Romeo

Tilted Implants

Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation of the Atrophic Patient

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 22,2 x 30,3 cm, 432 Seiten, 2091 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Prothetik

ISBN 978-0-86715-818-2