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Dr. Dr. Anette Strunz

Deutschland, Berlin

Fachärztin für Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgie, niedergelassen in Berlin. Seit 2004 niedergelassen als Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgin. 2004-2015 in einer Praxisgemeinschaft. Seit 2016 Einzelpraxis für Implantologie und Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesichtschirurgie. Weiterbildungen: Curricula Implantologie, Parodontologie, Zahnärztliche Hypnose, NLP-Practitioner, DVT-Fachkunde, hygienebeauftragte Ärztin. Schwerpunkte: Implantologie und Knochnaugmentation, Parodontalchirurgie, Hypnose und Kommunikation, Dentale Volumentomographie und 3D-Implantatplanung. Mitgliedschaften: DGZMK, DGI, DGMKG, DGZH, Dentista. Seit 2018 im Vorstand der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Implantologie (DGI) als Pressesprecherin.

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Fernando Suárez DDS, MS

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Fernando Suárez López del Amo, DDS, MS, received his dental degree from the European University of Madrid in Spain and completed his Certificate and Master’s degree in periodontics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. After graduation, Dr Suárez continued serving as an adjunct clinical assistant professor and research fellow at the University of Michigan, before becoming an assistant professor at the Department of Periodontics—University of Oklahoma. In addition to being a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, Dr Suárez has been the recipient of several awards from the American Academy of Periodontology, the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation, and the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and serves as a reviewer for a number of journals in the fields of periodontics and implant dentistry. Dr Suárez currently works in private practice in Tacoma, Washington.


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Dr. Chao Suo

Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Stomatology (Center of Periodontology)
Member of the American Dental Association, Member of the Academy of General Dentistry, Member of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society, Member of the Periodontology Committee of Chinese Stomatological Association

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Dr. Senichi Suzuki

Clinical professor of Nihon University, President-Elect of ICOI International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Former adjunct Professor of University of Southern California, Board of Regent of ADI Academy of Dentistry International, Honorary Professor of Yantai Stomatological Hospital China, President of Ebina Dental Association, CEO of Lion Medical Corporation
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Dr. Masana Suzuki DDS

Japan, Tokyo

Dr. Suzuki practices Periodontics in Tokyo, Japan, and is currently recognized as an international leader in the field of periodontal microsurgery (surgery performed using a microscope). Dr. Masana Suzuki received his DDS from Nippon University, Matsudo campus, School of Dentistry, in 1984. Since 1989, he has maintained a full-time private practice in Tokyo, Japan. He is an active member of the Japanese Society of Periodontology, the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology, the AMED (Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry), the Advisor of the Society of Japan Clinical Dentistry (SJCD) Tokyo, and one of the well-known clinicians and lecturers in the field of Periodontal Microsurgery.

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Dr. Giorgio Tabanella DDS, MS

Italien, Rom
Dr. Tabanella is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and active member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He graduated from the University of Southern California-Los Angeles-USA where he obtained the Certificate in Periodontics as well as the Master of Science in Craniofacial Biology. He has been awarded "Outstanding Periodontal Graduate Student Research in Surgery and Implantology" by the California Society of Periodontists for his study on bone remodeling. He is the scientific coordinator of the International Implant Conference, director of O.R.E.C.-Oral Reconstruction and Education Center (WWW.TABANELLAOREC.COM), and reviewer and author of original articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Tabanella lectures in Europe, Asia, Middle East, South Africa as well as in the US on implant and periodontal surgery, aesthetic management in dental implantology and periodontal therapy, peri-implant bone remodeling, soft and hard tissue reconstruction around natural teeth and implants as well as the re-treatment of failures. His research focuses on tissue regeneration and augmentation with different bone and soft graft materials, peri-implant and dental bone loss, novel protocols for the repair of ailing dental implants. He maintains a private practice in Rome (Italy) where he also holds advanced courses and live surgeries on tissue regeneration and re-treatment of implant failures for a limited numbers of participants.
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Dr. Diana Tadros DDS

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Fort Lauderdale

Diana Tadros, DDS is a board-accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (the ONLY one in Fort Lauderdale), a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, and a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. She maintained a premier private practice in Manhattan for numerous years prior to moving down to South Florida. Dr. Tadros is a firm believer in conservative esthetic outcomes and has dedicated her time outside of practice to help educate colleagues in her profession by being a keynote speaker and lecturer frequently at national and international Dental Conferences and meetings. She is a trailblazer in her profession on Digital and Cosmetic Dentistry and owns her own training institute and hosts workshops numerous times a year, where she teaches other Cosmetic Dentists how to utilize cutting-edge technology to provide Conservative care and improve Esthetic Results.

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Dr. Ali Tahmaseb DDS, PhD

Niederlande, Amsterdam

Ali Tahmaseb graduated in dentistry from the University of Ghent (Belgium) in 1993. He went on to take an orthodontics program in France as well as various training programs in oral surgery and implant dentistry throughout Europe and the USA between 1996 and 2000. In 2011 he completed his PhD program at ACTA under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniel Wismeijer, where he also now teaches at the special master program for oral implantology as an Associate Professor. He is co-founder of a novel concept in guided surgery and primary investigator in this field at the University of Amsterdam. Ali Tahmaseb is an NVOI (Dutch Implantology Society) registered implant dentist and works in referral offices in Netherlands and Belgium. He has been an ITI Fellow since 2008 and has participated in several education, Consensus meetings and research projects in different areas in implant dentistry. His main research areas are in guided surgery, CAD/CAM, bone regeneration around endosseous implants and guided bone regeneration. He has authored and co-authored a number of publications and lectured internationally.

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Dr. Sandra Khong Tai BDS, MS

Kanada, Vancouver

Sandra Tai, BDS, MS, ist seit 2000 zertifizierte Invisalign-Kieferorthopädin und gehört derzeit zu den Top 1 % der Invisalign Diamond Provider, die über 1.500 Fälle mit Invisalign behandelt haben. Als Redaktionsmitglied des Journal of Aligner Orthodontics und Mitglied der Align Tech Faculty in Nordamerika ist sie an mehreren klinischen Forschungsprojekten und FDA-klinischen Studien mit Clear Alignern beteiligt. Dr. Tai ist derzeit außerordentliche Professorin für Kieferorthopädie und Koordinatorin des Invisalign-Programms an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Sie hält außerdem zahlreiche internationale Vorträge und spricht mit Kieferorthopädinnen und Kieferorthopäden auf der ganzen Welt über Clear Aligner und ihr Potenzial. Dr. Tai ist Fellow des College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia, Fellow des Royal College of Dentists Canada sowie Mitglied mehrerer Berufsverbände. Sie ist außerdem Gründungsmitglied und ehemalige Präsidentin des Orthodontics Ties Seminars Study Club in Vancouver und des Vancouver Invisalign Study Club, wo sie Zahnärztinnen und Zahnärzte im Invisalign-System betreut und schult. Dr. Tai ist die Autorin des Bestsellers Clear Aligner Technique, das in 10 Sprachen übersetzt wurde.

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Dr. Hiroyuki Takino DDS

Japan, Kyoto

Hiroyuki Takino, DDS, is visiting professor of periodontology at Asahi University School of Dentistry, associate professor at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and associate professor at Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry. He is also director of the Japan Institute for Advanced Dental Studies and chairman of Osseointegration Study Club of Japan. Dr Takino is a member of several national and international organizations and director of the Takino Dental Clinic in Kyoto, Japan.

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Sameh Talaat

Deutschland, Bonn

Prof. Dr. Dennis P. Tarnow DDS

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, New York

Dennis P. Tarnow, DDS, ist Klinikprofessor für Parodontologie und Leiter der Fachausbildung für Implantologie an der Columbia School of Dental Medicine. Er wurde mit dem Master Clinician Award der American Academy of Periodontology, dem Teacher of the Year Award der New York University und dem Distinguished Lecturer Award des American College of Prosthodontists ausgezeichnet. Er hat über 200 Artikel zur Perio-Prothetik und Implantologie veröffentlicht und ist Koautor von vier Lehrbüchern, darunter The Single-Tooth Implant (Quintessence Publishing, 2020) mit Dr. Stephen J. Chu. Dr. Tarnow betreibt eine Privatpraxis in New York City und hielt bereits Vorträge in über 45 Ländern.

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Dr. Gisela Tascher

Deutschland, Heusweiler
1972-1977: Zahnmedizinstudium in Leipzig und Dresden. 1977: Diplomstomatologe. 1977-1995: in Klinik und eigener Praxis in Sachsen tätig. 1982: Fachzahnärztin für allgemeine Zahnheilkunde. Seit 1995: im Saarland in eigener Praxis niedergelassen. 2007: Promotion am Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin der Medizinischen Fakultät der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg bei Prof. Dr. W. U. Eckart mit dem Thema "Die Entwicklung des Gesundheitswesens im Saargebiet und Saarland von 1920-1956 im Spiegel der machtpolitischen Verhältnisse" seit 2007 verschiedene Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge zu dieser Thematik (siehe Veröffentlichungen unter www.dres-tascher.de). Seit 2009: Mitglied der Vertreterversammlung, der Ethikkommision und des Arbeitskreises "Hilfen gegen Gewalt" der Ärztekammer des Saarlandes sowie Mitglied der Vertreterversammlung der Abteilung Zahnärzte der Ärztekammer des Saarlandes. Seit 2009: Mitglied des Arbeitskreises "Geschichte in der Zahnheilkunde" der DGZMK. Seit 2010: Gründungsmitglied des Arbeitskreises Ethik der DGZMK. Juli 2010: Veröffentlichung der ergänzten und überarbeiteten Fassung der Promotionsarbeit im Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, unter dem Titel "Staat, Macht und ärztliche Berufsausübung 1920-1956 - Gesundheitswesen und Politik: Das Beispiel Saarland" mit Unterstützung der Ärztekammer des Saarlandes und der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung des Saarlandes. Seit 2011: Mitglied im Vorstand des Arbeitskreises "Geschichte in der Zahnheilkunde" der DGZMK. 2011-2014: Mitglied des Vorstandes der Abteilung Zahnärzte der Ärztekammer des Saarlandes. 6. Sep. 2013: Ehrennadel der Bundeszahnärztekammer. 20. Nov. 2015: Herbert-Lewin-Forschungspreis zur Rolle der Ärzteschaft in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (ausgeschrieben vom Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, von der Bundesärztekammer, der Bundeszahnärztekammer und der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung). 21. Sep. 2016: Carl-Erich-Alken-Medaille der Ärztekammer des Saarlandes.
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Dr. Lorenzo Tavelli DDS, MS, PhD

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Ann Arbor

Lorenzo Tavelli, DDS, MS, PhD isa full-time assistant professor and the director of the Postgraduate program in Periodontology at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Tavelli graduated from the University of Milan and then completed his three-year residency in Periodontics and Master of Science at the University of Michigan. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology.

Dr. Tavelli’s main focus in clinical research and daily practice is microsurgical and minimally invasive soft tissue grafting procedures around teeth and dental implants, where he has been pioneering in the combined use of High Frequency Doppler Ultrasonography and wound healing biomarkers for assessing graft perfusion and the surgical outcomes. Dr. Tavelli has been extensively lecturing worldwide on these topics at the main scientific symposia. He has published more than 120 scholarly publications in the main international peer-reviewed journals while serving as an Associate Editor for Journal of Periodontal Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.

He was the recipients of several research awards, such as the 2024 ITI Andre Schroeder Research Prize, the 2023 American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Earl Robinson Regeneration Award, the 2022 AAP Foundation Nevins Clinical Research Fellowship, the 2021 Goldman Clinical Research award from the Italian Society of Periodontology, and the 2020 AAP Balint Orban Research Award, among others.

 DDS, MS, PhD isa full-time assistant professor and the director of the Postgraduate program in Periodontology at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Tavelli graduated from the University of Milan and then completed his three-year residency in Periodontics and Master of Science at the University of Michigan. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology.

Dr. Tavelli’s main focus in clinical research and daily practice is microsurgical and minimally invasive soft tissue grafting procedures around teeth and dental implants, where he has been pioneering in the combined use of High Frequency Doppler Ultrasonography and wound healing biomarkers for assessing graft perfusion and the surgical outcomes. Dr. Tavelli has been extensively lecturing worldwide on these topics at the main scientific symposia. He has published more than 120 scholarly publications in the main international peer-reviewed journals while serving as an Associate Editor for Journal of Periodontal Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.

He was the recipients of several research awards, such as the 2024 ITI Andre Schroeder Research Prize, the 2023 American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Earl Robinson Regeneration Award, the 2022 AAP Foundation Nevins Clinical Research Fellowship, the 2021 Goldman Clinical Research award from the Italian Society of Periodontology, and the 2020 AAP Balint Orban Research Award, among others.

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Dr. Engin Taviloglu


Having graduated from Istanbul University School of Dentistry in 1984, Engin Taviloglu continues his studies particularly on field of esthetic dentistry in his private practice in Istanbul-Tesvikiye. He has been lecturing in seminars, giving hands-on courses and performing live case demonstrations on esthetic dentistry and composite applications in particular. He is the author of AN ATLAS OF COMPOSITE APPLICATIONS and three DVDs ; “PRACTICAL INDIRECT COMPOSITE RESTORATIONS” , “COMPOSITE RESTORATIONS WITH SILICONE MATRIX IN ANTERIOR TOOTH FRACTURE” and ”DIRECT COMPOSITE VENEER APPLICATION” which are available from Quintessence Publishing Inc. in Turkish. Engin Taviloglu worked as a member of Executive Board for Turkish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EDAD) for 19 years and continuously shares his cases and practical information about esthetic dentistry and particularly composite applications with many dentists in a social media group named “e-kompozit” which he has established on internet. Engin Taviloglu is married and has a son, speaks English and French and plays tenor saxophone. As an artist, he is interested in watercolor painting and many of his works take place in various collections. Being a former basketball player with a championship in Turkish 1st Basketball League, later a veteran tennis player with many prizes won in several tournaments, Taviloglu is currently involved in golfing with many championships and represents his country in both domestic and international model aircraft contests.

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