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  • Quintessence Publishing USA

108 Autores/Ponentes


Prof. Dr. Sabine Ruf

Alemania, Gießen

Sabine Ruf, DDS, Dr. med. dent. habil. (PhD) received her dental, orthodontic and scientic degrees from the School of Dentistry, Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Germany. In 1994 she obtained her Dr. med. dent. with the thesis entitled: “Facial morphology, size and activity of the masseter muscle”. She became a certified specialist in Orthodontics in 1995. Thereafter, in 2001 she was granted the degree of Dr. med. dent. habil. (PhD) with the thesis entitled “Influence of the Herbst appliance on mandibular growth and TMJ function”. From 2002 to 2005 she served as Professor and Chair of Orthodontics at the School of Dentistry at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Since October 2005 she has been Professor and Chair of the Department of Orthodontics at the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen. Professor Ruf has published 50 articles, 20 of which deal with the Herbst appliance. She has been an invited lecturer at 50 national and international conferences and has received several awards and honors. Additionally, she was active as Visiting Professor at the Dental Faculty at Hong Kong University in 1997, were she also served as External Examiner for the Masters in Orthodontics in 2005. Furthermore, she is Editorial Board Member of several orthodontic journals and was Meeting President of the German Orthodontic Society in 2007. Professor Ruf is especially interested in clinical research, focusing on functional appliances and their effect on masticatory muscle and TMJ function.

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Dr. Jörg-Martin Ruppin

Alemania, Penzberg

MDT Luc Rutten

Bélgica, Tessenderlo

Dental Technician Luc Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities and is internationally renown for his through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.

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MDT Patrick Rutten

Bélgica, Tessenderlo

Dental Technician Patrick Rutten is a lab owner specializing in ceramics and esthetic implantology. He specifically uses the latest digital technologies as well as analog skills. He has gained international renown through numerous international lectures, publications and advisory board activities.

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Dr. Matthias Rzeznik


Doctor of Dental Surgery. Graduated from the Faculty of Reims in 2010. Former university hospital assistant in periodontics, University of Paris-Descartes, Bretonneau Hospital. Master 2 oral clinic specializing in periodontics (University of Paris V). European inter-university diploma in implantology (University of Corsica). Practice limited to periodontics and implantology (Lille). President of the Paro Clap Association.

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