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1069 Authors/Speakers


Prof. Dr. Jean-François Lasserre PhD, DDS

France, Bordeaux

Born in 1960 in Bordeaux, Jean-François Lasserre, PhD., DDS, graduated from the University of Bordeaux 2 in 1983. Following his DEA in anthropology, in 1994 he became an associate professor in the Prosthetic department of the Dental faculty of the University of Bordeaux. In 2003 he defended his University Doctoral Thesis on the topic of dental wear in modern and historical population, developing and introducing a chewing simulator device to study the in vitro wear of novel ceramic and composite dental materials. For more than 15 years, he has been teaching Occlusion, to later dedicate himself to research and teaching of dental esthetics and ceramic restorations. He has authored numerous articles in national and international journals and has frequently presented lectures in France and abroad, dedicated to esthetic ceramic restorations. Jean-François Lasserre practices at the University Dental Hospital Center but also owns a private clinic in Bordeaux specializing in dental esthetics, implantology, and prosthetics. He is a founder of the research and educational group for dental esthetics named “Symbiose.” For many years Jean-François Lasserre has been a Vice Dean of the Dental Faculty, in charge of the international relations, and has been granted the Honoris Causa as well as the title of Associate Professor by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. He is also Associate Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Luliu Hatieganu” in Cluj-Napoca in Romania.

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Edward S. Lee DDS

Edward S. Lee, DDS, is currently teaching at the UCSF Postgraduate Endodontic Clinic. Dr Lee is a recognized innovator in the field of endodontics. He invented and patented the MTA Pellet Forming Block over 20 years ago. The MTA Block is still in production and sold worldwide. He has lectured nationally and internationally about the MTA Pellet Forming Block technique and has published articles in peer-reviewed journals. He also participates in Dental Humanitarian Projects in Suqian and Chengdu, China.

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Peter Lerch

Switzerland, Zollikofen

After completing his basic training as a dental technician, Peter Lerch opted for professional residencies and further training at home and abroad. In 1988/89 he completed his training as a prosthodontist at the University of Zurich. He worked as a consultant in his institute and is a lecturer in prosthetics and functional analysis. He is also active as a speaker at home and abroad. He is credited with various noteworthy professional publications and video productions. His self-developed treatment concept, the Lerch Concept, is known worldwide and is constantly being refined. In addition, he is and has been involved in various developments such as the CONCEPTOR Alpha (first device to simulate mandibular movement), the SOLUTION ceramic anterior tooth (ENTA) and preciform d (bredent) (impression instrument). In 1994 he founded the I.S.P. Individual System Prothetik AG and later, founded and took over the management of the Institute for Functional Analysis and Prosthetics. These days he deals with, patient consultations, functional analysis and the resulting therapeutic consequences. He is passively involved in the following associations: DGZMK, DGFDT and AKPP.

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Alice Li DMD

Dr Alice Li earned her DMD degree from Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 2023. As a student, she helped create My Dental Key, an online platform that aims to enhance dental education worldwide. Dr Li combined her interest in endodontics with her artistic skills to illustrate for this textbook, and she is currently pursuing her certificate in endodontics at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. In her free time, Dr Li enjoys hiking, camping, playing board games, finding new creative hobbies, and trying different cuisines in and around Boston.

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Jarshen Lin DDS

United States of America

Director of Predoctoral Endodontics
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences
Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Clinical Associate, Department of Sugery
Division of Dentistry
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

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Dr. Tomas Linkevičius DDS, Dip. Pros, PhD

Lithuania, Vilnius

Dr. Tomas Linkevicius received his DDS degree in 2000 from Kaunas University in Lithuania. In 2004 he finished the postgraduate program in prosthodontics at Vilnius University, and in 2009 he defended his thesis titled “The influence of mucosal tissue thickness on crestal bone stability around dental implants,” receiving his PhD degree from Riga Stradins University in Latvia. Dr. Linkevicius currently serves as an associate professor at the Institute of Odontology at Vilnius University. He also maintains a private practice and is the founder of a private research center. Dr. Linkevicius serves as a reviewer in several dental journals, including the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, the Journal of Periodontology, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, and the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. He is the author of the bestselling book Zero Bone Loss Concepts as well as many articles published in international journals.

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Dr. Qi Liu

Master of Stomatology, Attending
Member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), Member of the Boucharde Medical Team

Dr Liu has served as an outpatient director at many top dental institutions in China. He regularly lectures in Europe, America, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and Macau, as well as teaching technical training internationally. His interests include high-resolution microsopy, implants in the esthetic area, immediate implantation, guided bone regeneration, soft tissue transplantation, maxillary sinus elevation, Allon-4, esthetic restoration, porcelain veneer and minimally invasive prosthetic procedures, and secondary restoration of failed cases.

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Prof. Dr. Frank Lobbezoo MSc, PhD

Netherlands, Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Frank Lobbezoo, MSc, PhD, specialist in functional diagnostics and therapy of orofacial pain, Head of the Department of Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction, Academic Center for Dental Medicine Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam/Netherlands

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Ignazio Loi DDS, MD


Ignazio Loi, DDS, MD, graduated in medicine and surgery before specializing in dentistry and prosthodontics at the University of Cagliari, Italy. He is a member of the Associazione Italiana Ospedalità Privata (AIOP) and an honorary member of the Advanced Implantology Study Group (AISG). Dr Loi maintains a private practice in Cagliari, Italy.

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Cláudio Julio Lopes DDS

Brazil, São Paulo

Cláudio Julio Lopes, DDS, received his DDS degree from São Paulo City University in 1989. After specializing in periodontics, he became an assistant professor of periodontics at Camilo Castelo Branco University in São Paulo, Brazil, where he stayed from 1990 to 2000. He then moved on to become coordinator of the Periodontal Plastic Surgery and the Introduction to Microsurgery courses at the São Paulo Dental Association (APCD), which he continued until 2015. In 2014, he specialized in implantology with the Brazilian Dental Association (ABO), and in 2017, he qualified in reconstructive microsurgery at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of São Paulo. He maintains a private practice in São Paulo, Brazil.

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Prof. Francis Louise

Professor and former Chairman at the Department of Periodontology, Head of Postgraduate Studies in Periodontics and Implantology, Faculty of Odontology, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France; and Private Practice, Marseille, France.
Professor Louise's latest research focuses on piezo surgery applications in implant dentistry.

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Alois C. Lubberich

Alois C. Lubberich ist in Brohl am Rhein geboren. Seine Aus- und Weiterbildung zum Zahntechniker hat er an der Universitätsklinik in Bonn absolviert und bei Lernaufenthalten in der Schweiz erweitert. Nachdem er mit 23 Jahren seine Meisterprüfung in Düsseldorf ablegte, gelang es ihm bereits im Alter von 24 Jahren, sein eigenes Dentallabor in Koblenz zu gründen. Mit über 100 Beschäftigten und mehreren Standorten ist das Dentallabor Lubberich heute das größte Dentallabor in Rheinland-Pfalz und dient als Referenzlabor der wichtigsten Industriepartner innerhalb der Branche.

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Dr. Björn Ludwig

Germany, Traben-Trarbach

Björn Ludwig is an orthodontics specialist who operates his private office in a small village in Germany. He holds positions at two universities: the University of Homburg/Saar in Germany and the Department of Orthodontics, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. While his primary focus is on clinical work, he has a strong affinity for technology, which consistently sparks his interest. He is dedicated to advancing as a researcher and writer, actively participating in a variety of research projects and taking on editorial roles for academic journals. Furthermore, he serves as an editor for several books and is the author of numerous book chapters in classic orthodontic texts. In addition to his passion for orthodontics, he also takes pleasure in cycling as a means tounwind.

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