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61 Authors/Speakers


Dr. Jan Tetsch MS

Germany, Münster

Dr. Michael Tholey

Germany, Bad Säckingen

Dr. Tholey is a qualified dental technician and successfully completed his studies in dental technology in Osnabrück in 2005. He was department head / project manager Research & Development at VITA Zahnfabrik for 10 years and since 2015 Dr. Tholey has been in charge of our technical service (hotline, application technology, courses).

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Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Thoma

Switzerland, Zuoz

Prof. Dr. Daniel Thoma is the Head of Implantology and Regeneration at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He was trained in implant dentistry and prosthodontics at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Thoma was the recipient of an ITI scholarship and spent 1 year at the Department of Periodontics, University of Texas, Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA. In 2016, Dr. Thoma was a Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontology, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. Since 2020, Dr. Thoma is an Adjunct Professor and serves as the Head of Implantology and Regeneration.

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Dr. Andrea Thoma


Prof. Dr. Van Thompson

United Kingdom, London

Professor Thompson works in the department of Tissue Engineering and Biophotonics at King's College London Dental Institute. Known for his work on adhesion and bonded bridges at the University of Maryland and later for work on ceramic fatigue at New York University, he has published many articles and made numerous presentations on dental biomaterials in the U.S. and internationally. His current research areas include diagnosing dentine caries activity, all-ceramic crown fatigue and fracture, engineering tissue response via scaffold architecture and practice based research (PEARL Network).

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Dr. Carlo Tinti MD, DDS

Italy, Turin

Carlo Tinti, MD, DDS, is a contract professor at the University of Turin and an assistant professor for the odontology and dental prosthesis degree course at the University of Florence, where he teaches “Surgical Techniques in Implantology.” His works have been published in national and international journals. He holds refresher courses and conferences in Italy and abroad about the most modern techniques regarding guided tissue regeneration in periodontology and implantology. Dr Tinti works as a dentist in Flero (Brescia), Italy, devoted exclusively to periodontology and implantology.

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Dr. Cristiano Tomasi

Sweden, Göteburg

Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontology at the Institute of Odontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg. Degree in dentistry in Verona University, Italy in 1991; certificate as specialist in clinical periodontology in 2002 at Gothenburg University, Sweden. In 2003 achieved the Master of Science in dentistry and in 2007 the Doctor Odont. Degree (PhD) at Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Sweden with a thesis entitled “On approaches to periodontal infection control”. Winner of the European Federation of Periodontology prize for periodontal research in 2005.  Winner of the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology prize for young researchers in 2007. Active member of Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP) and of Italian Academy of Osteointegration (IAO). Guest Professor at University of Padova, Italy. Working as periodontist and implantologist in his private practice in Trento, Italy from 1992.

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Prof. Dr. Maurizio S. Tonetti

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Maurizio Tonetti graduated in Dentistry from Genoa University and received his masters in periodontology from Harvard University. He is a lecturer in Discipline Odontostomatologiche in Bern, Switzerland and currently a full lecturer and director of the Department of Periodontology and the School of Specialisation in Periodontology at Hong Kong University. He previously performed the same role at University College London and University of Connecticut Health Science Center. Dr Tonetti is also the executive director of the Research Group on Periodontology and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. He is an active member and past president of SIdP and a member of the EFP steering committee. He is the author of more than 150 original scientific publications and has been a speaker at many important national and international conventions.

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Mahmoud Torabinejad DMD, MSD, PhD

United States of America

Mahmoud Torabinejad, DMD, MSD, PhD, is currently the President and CEO of the Torabinejad Institute of Surgical Education and Research Venues in Irvine, California. He has teaching positions in endodontics at multiple schools and is the former professor of endodontics at multiple schools and is the former professor of endodontics and Director of Advanced Program in endodontics at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. He lectures internationally and has authored six textbooks and more than 350 publications. He is the #1 cited author in classic literature and regenerative endodontics in the field of endodontics. He is a past president of both the California Association of Endodontics and the American Association of Endodontists and has received numerous awards and accolades in the field of endodontics.

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Prof. Dr. Yahya S. Tosun DDS, PhD

United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Dr Yahya Tosun DDS PhD, graduated from Istanbul University in 1984. He is a former professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Aegean University, Izmir, Turkey, currently in private practice at Dr Tosun Dental Clinic in Dubai, UAE and lecturer in the University for Digital Technology in Medicine and Dentistry, Luxembourg. He is the author, co-author and editor of four books mainly on “Biomechanics in Orthodontics” "Orthodontics for  General Practitioners" and “Modern Concepts in Orthodontics and particularly Interdisciplinary Orthodontics” published in English as well as Turkish languages. He has published several articles in national and international journals. In his private practice he works on "Adult Orthodontics", and on Early Orthodontic Treatments. He has also a special interest in Bruxism.  He lectures extensively on Biomechanics in Orthodontics and The Role of the Orthodontist in the Interdisciplinary Team.

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PD Dr. Dr. Matthias Tröltzsch

Germany, Ansbach

Matthias Tröltzsch is a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery and a Fellow of the European Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery (FEBOMFS). He also holds the additional qualification “Plastic Surgery.” Together with his brother, he runs the Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Ansbach, Germany. He habilitated at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, where he holds a lectureship. He lectures and publishes widely, particularly in the fields of antiresorptives and oncology as well as at the interface between medicine and dentistry.

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Dr. Dr. Markus Tröltzsch

Germany, Ansbach

Markus Tröltzsch is a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery. He worked as a senior physician at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Medical Center in Göttingen, Germany, and now runs the Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Ansbach together with his brother. He is active in various specialist societies, is chairman of the Academy of Practice and Science (APW) of the DGZMK, and lectures and publishes frequently, particularly in the field of augmentation surgery and at the interface between medicine and dentistry.

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Dr. Leonardo Trombelli

Italy, Ferrara

Leonardo Trombelli is a full professor and chair of the Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry at the University of Ferrara. He has served as the director of the Research Center for the Study of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases at the University of Ferrara and the director of the Dental Clinic, University Hospital, Ferrara. He has been the dean of the Dental School at the University of Ferrara since 2013. He also served as the president of the Medical School at the University of Ferrara from 2014 to 2016. Past president of the SIO from 2007 to 2009. Dr Trombelli is an active member of SIdP and an editorial board member for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

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