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78 Authors/Speakers


Dr. med. Bernard C. Kolster

Germany, Marburg

Following his physiotherapy certification, Dr. Kolster studied human biology and human medicine in Marburg. He has undertaken further clinical studies in physical medicine and other disciplines, with a special focus on the presentation and application of reflex-therapeutic procedures. Dr. Kolster is the author and editor of scientific textbooks in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, naturopathic medicine, and physical medicine.

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Prof. Dr. Stefan Kopp

Germany, Frankfurt (Main) More information

Dr. Damon Korb

United States of America More information

Karl-Heinz Körholz


Abteilungsleiter in verschiedenen Laboratorien, mehrjährige Tätigkeit in der Industrie, Mitwirkung an der Entwicklung von Prothesen-Fertigstellungssystemen und deren Materialien, Eigene Entwicklungen: das Prothesen-Fertigstellungssystem und deren Materialien PremEco-Line, im Vertrieb der Firma Merz Dental GmbH, Lütjenburg, sowie das Prothetik-Color-System zum farblichen Charakterisieren von Prothesen und das Cera-Color-Set zum farblichen Charakterisieren der Wachsmodellation, seit 1992 selbstständiger und firmenunabhängiger Schulungsleiter für alle Bereiche der Totalprothetik im In- und Ausland, Vorträge und Workshops, unter anderem in den meisten Ländern Europas sowie Japan, Gründungsmitglied der „Dental Excellence International Laboratory Group“, Autor zahlreicher Beiträge in der nationalen und internationalen Fachpresse, Begründer der T i F®-Aufstellmethode, einem praxisnahen und prüfungsorientierten Verfahren zum methodischen Erlernen von Prothesenaufstellungen, veröffentlicht in den Büchern: „T i F®-Totalprothetik in Funktion“ und „Individuelle Totalprothetik – Erfolgreiche Patientenversorgung nach dem T i F®-System“, beide Quintessenz-Verlag, Berlin, Seit Dezember 2009 Inhaber des Fachlabors TRIGOdental – einem Fachlabor für funktionelle und individuelle Totalprothetik, Bonn-Oberkassel

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Assoc. Prof. Bora Korkut PhD

Turkey, Istanbul

Dr Korkut graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry in 2008 and completed his doctorate thesis and PhD in Restorative Dentistry at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Dental Diseases and Treatments in 2015. He has worked as an academic at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Restorative Dentistry since 2015, earning an Assistant Professor title in 2018 and an Associate Professor title in 2022. Dr Korkut has many national and international scientific publications about direct and indirect restorations, prerestorative clear aligners, tooth bleaching, clinical dental photography, tooth wear, CAD/CAM restorations, magnification in dentistry, and caries diagnosis and management. He has presented many scientific lectures in national and international dental meetings about dental photography, anterior/posterior composite and ceramic restorations, clear aligners, ICON therapy, tooth bleaching, tooth wear, and restoration complications since 2015. He is a certified Invisalign provider. He has participated as an instructor in more than 100 hands-on courses since 2015. He is a member of the GC Europe Restorative Advisory Board and the Bio-Emulation Group. He is also a key opinion leader and official international speaker of several leading international dental companies such as GC Corp, Hu-Friedy Group Europe, Tokuyama, Dentsply Sirona, Align Technology, Eighteeth, iVeneer, Polydentia, Ivoclar, Busch, and Horico.

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Dr. Gerd Körner

Germany, Bielefeld

Since 1990 keynote speaker at numerous national and international scientific congresses, teaching for different dental institutes in the fields of periodontics and implantology, different publications concerning periodontics, aesthetics and implantology. He is a board member of different clinical journals, “Implantologie“, “Team work“, etc. In 1999 he specialized in “Implantology” - BDIZ. Since 2007 faculty member of the German Society of Periodontology and Dresden International University (DIU), responsible for master program module: “Decision making in modern periodontal concepts”. Since 2015 Active Member of the EAED (European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry). 2016 Member of Team Europe “America meets Europe”, DGÄZ in cooperation with DGI, AIOP, Seattle Study Club. In 2018 published textbook with Arndt Happe: “Success with implants in the esthetic zone“, Quintessence Berlin.

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Dr. Stefen Koubi

France, Marseille

Doctor Stefen Koubi graduated from the University of Marseille, France, in 1998. He has held the position of Associate Professor in the Restorative Department of Marseille University since 2008 and received his PhD in 2011. He maintains a private practice in Marseille and in Paris. His main areas of interest are esthetic rehabilitation for cosmetic or functional reasons (worn dentition). He has been invited to many prestigious esthetic academies to lecture on simple ways to achieve high-quality esthetic dentistry. He is an invited professor in many esthetic postgraduate programs. Dr Koubi received the Gold Molar title from the students of his university (best teacher of the year) in 2012, and the title of Best French Speaker the same year. Since 2012 he has been a member of Style Italiano community in charge of indirect topics. He founded in 2013 L'Institut de la facette, a private training center focused on smile design for worn dentition and cosmetic rehabilitations. He is the author or co-author of many scientific articles and case reports on esthetic dentistry.

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Dr. Tomislav Kresic

Germany, Wallrabenstein

Dr. Cees Kreulen MSc, PhD


Dr. Cees Kreulen, MSc, PhD, Associate Professor, Oral Function, Medical Center, Radboud University Nijmegen/Netherlands

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Roland Kreutzer


Roland Kreutzer was born in Gummersbach in 1966 and has been a physiotherapist since 1991. He is an instructor for Brügger therapy (Zurich concept), a manual therapist, and an active course leader for Sensotape® courses. He has been working at the Philipps University of Marburg since 1992 as a physiotherapist, and since 2005 as a lecturer in the Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programs in physiotherapy. In addition, the author works as a physiotherapist in his own practice in Marburg and is a freelancer for KVM-Verlag, Berlin. This collaboration has resulted in him co-authoring several specialist books in the fields of medicine and physiotherapy. In his free time, he is an enthusiastic cyclist, runner, and swimmer, and thus a regular and active user of "self-tapping"!

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